The Norwegian Center for Maritime and Diving Medicine engages in research in both maritime medicine and diving medicine. The center has close cooperation with The University of Bergen.
Listing of works of interest
Ronja Hesthammer. 2019. Tetrahydrobiopterin and nitric oxide synthesis after exposure to hyperoxia and simulated diving. An experimental study in human endothelial cells and healthy humans. PhD.
Vilhelm F
Koefoed. 2018. A proper lookout. «En skikket utkikk». PhD.
Hesthammer, R., Eide, T., Thorsen, E., Svardal, A.M. and Djurhuus, R. 2019. Decrease of tetrahydrobiopterin and NO-generation in endothelial cells exposed to simulated diving. Undersea Hyperb. Med., 46: 159-169.
Hesthammer, R., Eide, T., Thorsen, E., Svardal, A.M. and Djurhuus, R. 2019. Hyperoxia and lack of ascorbic acid deplete tetrahydrobiopterin without affecting NO generation in endothelial cells. Undersea Hyperb. Med., 46: 509-519.
Åsmul K., Irgens, Å., Grønning, M., Møllerløkken, A. 2017. Diving and long-term cardiovascular health. Occup. Med. (Lond). 67:371-376.
Irgens, Å., Troland, K., Grønning, M. 2017. Female professional divers. Similarities and differences between male and female professional divers. Int. Marit. Health., 68: 60-67.
Irgens, Å., Troland, K., Djurhuus, R. and Grønning, M. 2016. Diving exposure and health effects in divers working in different areas of professional diving. Int. Marit. Health, 67: 235-242.
Irgens, Å., Djurhuus, R. and Grønning, M. 2015. Mortality among retired offshore divers in Norway. Int. Marit. Health, 66: 93-96.
Irgens, Å., Troland, K., Thorsen, E., Grønning, M. 2013. Mortality among professional divers in Norway. Occup. Med. (Lond), 63: 537-543.
Irgens, Å., Grønning, M. 2013. Cancer risk among professional inshore divers in Norway. Int. Marit. Health. 64: 202-206.
Sundal, E., Irgens, Å., Troland, K., Thorsen, E., Grønning, M. 2013. Prevalence and causes of loss of consciousness in former North Sea occupational divers. Int. Marit. Health, 64:142-147.
Bråtveit, M., Djurhuus, R., Kirkeleit, J. and Hollund, B.E. 2018. Review of human health risks and prevention practises during handling of fumigated containers in ports. Report for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), Dept. Occup. Med., Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway, 53 pp. ISSN: 1831-9343; ISBN: 978-92-9496-814-2; doi: 10.2802/16959.
Djurhuus, R. og Bråtveit, M. 2018. Skadedyrbekjempelse med pesticider – en risikofaktor for havnearbeidere og skipsmannskap. Navigare, 2-2018: 22-24.
Bråtveit, M., Djurhuus, R., Kirkeleit, B.E. og Hollund, B.E. 2017. Fraktkontainere og pesticider, - helsefare ved tømming?. Yrkeshygienikeren, 3-2017: 3-6.