Time and place
- 21. Aug 2024, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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Welcome to the 15th Nordic Symposium on Forensic Psychiatry
Radisson BLU Royal Hotel, Bergen 21.- 23. August 2024
The conference aims to provide an opportunity for the forensic psychiatry community to come together to discuss and share research opportunities, insights and findings with colleagues.
Together we will set a common goal to increase our understanding of emerging issues and research methodologies relating to the field of forensic psychiatry. We hope you will engage in discussions, share your ideas, and find new friends among our guests and conference delegates.
The Conference Program.
We send a PDF to every delegate. We also urge you to use the provided QR code to get to this landing page.
Wednesday August 21. – Afternoon
Challenges in Law, Risk Assessment and Human Rights
10:00 – 13:00 Registration
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 13:15 Opening
13:15 – 14:00
Current challenges in law
Linda Gröning (SWE/NO)
14:20 – 15:05
Current challenges in risk assessment
Kevin S. Douglas (CAN/NO)
15:05 – 15:50
Current challenges in Human Rights
Guri Hestflått Gabrielsen (NO)
16:10 – 17:00
Panel discussion:
Challenges in Law, Risk Assessment and Human Rights
Closing remarks - End of day 1.
Thursday August 22. – Morning
Prevention and treatment across the lifespan
Opening day 2
9:00 – 9:45
Long-Term Prevention of Conduct Problems and Associated Outcomes: Findings from the Fast Track Project
Robert J. McMahon (CAN)
9:45 -10:30
The (Acclaimed) Usefulness of Callous-unemotional (CU) Traits or DSM-5
Defined Limited Prosocial Emotions (LPE) for Subtyping Antisocial and Conduct Disordered Children and Adolescents - A Constructive and Critical Reflection
Henrik Andershed (SWE) and Olivier F. Colins (BEL)
11:00 – 11:45
What do we know about the effective treatment of aggressive and antisocial behaviour among persons with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder?
Sheilagh Hodgins (CAN/GER)
11:45 – 12:30
Til death do us part: Long-stay in forensic settings
Birgit Völlm (GER)
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
Thursday August 22. - Afternoon
Papers & symposiums – Parallel sessions
13:30 – 14:30 Sessions 1-3
Needs, Functioning, and Flourishing in Forensic Psychiatric Care, part one.
Applying novel methods to the study of violence in psychosis across the lifespan.
Session 3 PAPERS
3.1 Exploration and analysis of forensic assessments (CHILDCRIM).
3.2 Are symptoms assessed differently for schizophrenia and others psychosis in legal insanity evaluations of violent crimes?
3.3 Reliabilist Physicalist Perspective on Validating Unaccountability Tenets and Assumptions.
Break 14:30 - 14:50
14:50 – 15:50 Sessions 4-6
Needs, Functioning, and Flourishing in Forensic Psychiatric Care, part two.
Understanding and preventing violence in high risk individuals – a mixed methods approach (PreVio)
Session 6 PAPERS
6.1 Serial killers in Sweden, a book, a study, and the ones I’ve met.
6.2 Links between Psychopathic Traits, Type of Violence and Severe mental Disorders among Female Offenders of Lethal Violence in Sweden.
6.3 Psychopathy as the diagnostic endpoint for personality disorder and the Dynamic Model of Psychopathy Assessment and Treatment Frameworks as problem solver regardless of population and severity level.
Break 15:50 - 16:10
16:10 – 17:10 Sessions 7- 9
Session 7 PAPERS
7.1 The COMPFOR Research School: a Swedish national interdisciplinary research school in compulsory care and forensic psychiatry
7.2 What happens after forensic psychiatric care?
On the brink: a follow-back study of violent offenders with serious mental illness
Session 9 PAPERS
9.1 Preliminary Validation of the New Ambiguous Intention Hostility Questionnaire (AIHQ) Mentalization Index.
9.2 The goals of forensic psychiatric treatment and research (ethics of forensic psychiatry).
9.3 Examining the Process of Change in Metacognitive Skills Training in the Context of Forensic Psychiatric Care – A Description of the Research Protocol
19:00 Conference dinner
Friday August 23. – Morning
Forensic psychiatric research in the Nordic countries – future directions
09:00 – 09:45
The Wattu IV Prison Population Study Finland
Mika Rautanen (FIN)
09:45 -10:30
Märta Wallinius (SWE)
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:00
Panel discussion:
Forensic psychiatric research in the Nordic countries – future directions
Closing remarks
12:00 Lunch
Upto July 15th: 5000,- (NOK)
After July 15th: 5500,- (NOK)
Conference dinner: 1000,- (NOK)
- Registration is open!
- Early Bird fee until July 15th.
- Abstract submission has ended
- Information about acceptance to paralell sessions has been sent.
- Cancellation policy:
Full refund with vancellations uptil 25th of july
50% refund with cancellations uptil 14th of august
After 14th august there is no refund.
Enquiries about the conference: