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Welcome to the 9th hands-on course in obstetrics which has been organized annually since 2015.
This is the place for you to go if you wish to fresh up your skills in manual obstetrics and meet an international audience for fruitful discussions which may challenge your own practice.
The course is acknowledged by the Norwegian Medical Association.
We primarily invite consultants or residents who are about to finalize their training in Ob/Gyn.
Leger i spesialisering i Norge: Vi anbefaler deltakelse i kurset “Praktiske ferdigheter I vaginal forløsning“ FØR du vurderer å delta i kurset her.
Date: 7-9 May 2025
Place: Haukeland University Hospital Bergen, Glasblokkene
Registration: Course in Advanced Operative Obstetrics | Helse Bergen HF
Course fee: Choose between alternatives
7000 NOK – includes participation in the course, lunch, refreshments
7700 NOK – includes participation in the course, lunch, refreshments + Dinner May 8
You are warmly invited to join us for dinner in the evening 8 May. If you want to join for dinner, please choose alternative “Course fee + Dinner” when you register.
Accommodation must be organized individually.
Course faculty:
Contact: Jørg Kessler, Mobile ++4797709603, jorg.kessler@uib.no
Preliminary program:
Module 1 - 7th May:
Complicated cephalic birth – biomechanics, forceps, shoulder dystocia
09:00-09:10 Welcome, presentation of the department 09:10-10.00 The biomechanical fundament of normal delivery and irregular cephalic presentations 10:00-10:15 Pudendal block 10:15-10:30 Coffee break 10:30-11:00 Shoulder dystocia 11:00-12:15 Hands-on-training: Structured clinical |
examination, pudendal block, shoulder dystocia Group 1-7
12:15-13:15 |
13:15-14:05 |
Forceps and vacuum – indications, mechanics and technique |
14:05-14:45 |
The choice of instruments – vacuum vs forceps |
14:45-15:05 |
Coffee break |
15:05-16:20 |
Hands-on training, forceps Group 1-7
16.20-17.00 |
Rotational forceps |
Module 2- 8th May
Breech birth – epidemiology, biomechanics, forceps, upright birth position
Obstetric anal sphincter injury
08:30-09:00 |
Vaginal breech delivery in Norway epidemiology and results |
09:00-09:50 |
Vaginal breech delivery and forceps on the after- coming head - labor mechanics and technique |
09:50-10:10 |
Coffee break |
10:10-10:55 |
Alternative birth positions in breech delivery |
11:00-12:00 |
Hands-on-training: Breech and forceps on the after-coming head Group 1-4 Hands-on training: Upright breech Group 4-6
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch |
13:00-14:00 |
Hands-on training: Upright breech Group 1-3 Hands-on-training: Breech and forceps on the after-coming head Group 4-6
14:00-14:45 |
Anal sphincter injury - diagnosis, treatment |
14:45-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-15:30 Anal sphincter injury - counseling
15:30-17:00 Parallel session, half of participants at each session, change after 45 min
Hands on training: Anal sphincter repair
Clinical cases
Dinner for participants and faculty
Module 3:
Twin birth – epidemiology, breech extraction, combined podalic version
Obstetric hemorrhage – treatment strategies
9th May
08:30-09:15 |
Twin delivery - on the outlook for trouble |
09:15-10:30 |
Hands-on training: 2nd twin - combined version, extraction Group 1-6
10:30-10:50 |
Coffee break |
10:50-12:00 |
Postpartum hemorrhage – practical approach. Aortic tamponade, vessel ligation, postpartum hysterectomy |
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:45 Parallel session, half of participants at each session, change after 45 min
Training: Compression sutures on models
Autopsy room: Ligation of pelvic vessels (uterine, internal iliac artery)
14:45-15:00 |
Summary and evaluation |
15:00 |
End of the course |