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Admissions Line for women in labour at the Women's Clinic

All women who are about to give birth should call the Admissions Line before going to the Women's Clinic (+47) 55 97 22 00.

​​​​​​​​​​The Admissions Line for women in labour is staffed by an experienced midwife, who will listen to what you have to say, provide advice and help you plan what to do next.
The Admissions Line is for acute problems (similar to the emergency telephone number 113).
Unfortunately you cannot use this service to seek advice about matters that can wait or be discussed with your own GP, midwife or the Accident and Emergency Department. Sometimes we have to refer you to one of the above if they can deal with your problem.



When should you call the Admissions Line?

The Admissions Line should primarily be used to notify us that the birth has started and that you are on your way to the clinic. This gives the ward, where you are going to give birth, the time to plan for your arrival by preparing the delivery room and clarifying who will be responsible for welcoming and attending to you. 
If you are uncertain whether the birth has started or if you experience any changes in your own or the child’s condition that worry you, you may also contact a midwife by calling the Admissions Line.


Signs that the birth has started

  • ​Contractions are defined as painful contractions of the uterus that occur more frequently than every ten minutes and that are so effective that they dilate the cervix / mouth of the cervix. 
  • At the end of a pregnancy, all pregnant women will experience contractions of the uterus – false labour / Braxton Hicks contractions. They can be regular and painful, and can often be triggered by activity, and subside if you reduce your activity level. 
  • Contact the Women's Clinic when you feel that the contractions are regular or occur at intervals of approximately five to six minutes. If you have a long way to travel to the clinic, or if you have previously given birth quickly or have experienced complications in previous pregnancies or births, or if your feel anxious, contact the clinic once the contractions start. 

  • ​If you experience acute abdominal pains you should contact the Women's Clinic. 

  • ​If you start to leak amniotic fluid, it may be the first sign that the birth has started. If the hole in the foetal membranes is large, a lot of opaque liquid will leak from the vagina. If the hole in the foetal membranes is small, you will only leak a small amount of amniotic fluid. Many women will only experience this as a damp spot. 
  • Regardless of the amount of amniotic fluid, you must always contact the Women's Clinic if you feel that it is 'leaking' and you think that the leakage may not be urine or vaginal discharge. 

  • ​Vaginal discharge mixed with blood is normally a sign that the birth is under way. As the mouth of the cervix / cervix opens, there will always be traces of blood, vaginal discharge mixed with blood, or a little bleeding. 
  • Bleeding late in the pregnancy.


Are you anxious about whether the child is all right?

  • ​It is normal for the child to move less as the birth approaches.
    There is less room in the uterus and its kicks and movements will not feel the same as before. But if you are uncertain about whether the child is all right because you cannot feel the normal kicks and movements, you should contact your own GP or midwife. If you cannot reach them because it is a weekend, night or a public holiday, contact the Women's Clinic directly. 


If your condition and symptoms become worse

  • ​If your condition changes after you have contacted the Women's Clinic, you should contact the clinic again. 
  • If you have a disease or if you have experienced complications during the pregnancy, you must contact the Women's Clinic if your condition worsens or if you experience new symptoms that are related to this. 


If you are uncertain, anxious and worried

  • ​If a situation arises that makes you especially worried and you cannot reach your own GP or midwife, you can call the Admissions Line to talk to a midwife. 


Who may accompany you to the Women's Clinic? 

Most women want to have a close family member with them during the birth. You can choose who you want to bring with you. 

Calm and peaceful surroundings are important when women give birth, which is why only the person who is going to be present at the birth is allowed to enter the ward. We ask for your understanding in this matter. Other visitors are asked to wait at home until a few hours after the birth, or until visiting hours. 


What should you bring with you to the Women's Clinic? 

Always bring

  • ​The personal health record for pregnant women 
  • Blood type results – Rhesus test results 
  • The ultrasound examination documents 
  • Other test or examination results 
  • Other documents concerning this pregnancy or previous pregnancies or births 
  • Regular medication – if you are taking any medication, you should bring it with you to the maternity ward. You must always inform the the staff if you are taking any medication. 
Most of the things you and the child need are available at the maternity / postnatal ward. What women wish to bring with them to the clinic is a matter of personal choice.

  • ​Toiletries 
  • Shoes to wear inside 
  • Dressing gown and / or tracksuit 
  • Comfortable clothes for the stay at the postnatal ward. Do not bring tight-fitting clothes. Loose-fitting, light clothes are best. 
  • A nursing bra, if relevant. 
  • Clothes for the trip home, if relevant.

​Other things that you may want to bring 

​Music. Music can have a relaxing, calming and pain-alleviating effect. It may be a good idea to bring music for the birth if you like listening to music. 

A camera or video camera. Women decide what they want to be filmed during a birth. This is something you should think about and discuss with your birthing partner before the birth. Not all women want to be filmed during the birth itself. If so, you should tell your birthing partner this before the birth.

«Wish letter». It is important that the woman, the birthing partner and the people who are going to help with the birth communicate well. In order for us to help you in the way that is best for you, it is important that you express your wishes, thoughts, feelings and questions during the entire stay. Remember that everyone working at the Women's Clinic is subject to a duty of confidentiality. Some women like to write down things that they have been thinking about before coming to the clinic. In this way, you can ensure that your thoughts and wishes are made known to us. You are welcome to bring such a «wish letter» to the birth, but remember that the staff will also be at hand throughout your stay. We want to help and support you with any needs and wishes that might arise during your stay. 


At which ward will you be giving birth? 

The Women's Clinic has two maternity wards – Storken and Føden. 


Who will you meet when you arrive?

Midwives specialise in normal pregnancies, births and postnatal care. Together with the doctor, the midwife also has a lot of responsibility and an important role when it comes to following up pregnant women, women in labour and women who have given birth who need extra follow-up, monitoring and treatment. There will always be a midwife at hand during the birth and the postnatal period.

Children's nurses / auxiliary nurses do an important job. Together with the midwife, they will be at hand and attend to you before, during and after the birth.

A gynaecologist / obstetrician. At the Women's Clinic, there are always several experienced gynaecologists at hand. The gynaecologists and midwives on each shift cooperate closely to ensure that the pregnancy, birth and postnatal period are as good and safe as possible for all women and children.

Anaesthesiology and operating staff and paediatricians are always at hand. They are on call and will come quickly if their services are needed.

The fact that we are a university hospital means that one of our most important tasks is to train new healthcare professionals. Students are therefore part of our work teams. The students are always under the supervision of an experienced midwife or doctor who is responsible for ensuring optimal follow-up, care and treatment. 

Most of the women who give birth at the hospital feel that having a student present means that there is one more professional at hand to attend to them and make a positive contribution. 


What happens when you arrive?  

Your reason for coming to the Women's Clinic will determine which examinations, follow-up and treatment you will receive. You will be informed about what will happen throughout your stay and you will always have an opportunity to ask questions.

When you arrive, you will undergo an extended pregnancy check-up, where we check: 

  • The position of the child and how big the child is. The contractions are also checked. 
  • The foetus's heart sounds 
  • The amniotic fluid is examined if your waters have broken 
  • A gynaecological examination will be carried out to check how far down in the pelvis the child has come and whether the contractions have dilated the cervix 
  • Blood pressure is checked 
  • A urine test, if relevant
  • Pulse and temperature 
  • If you have had problems with constipation, you will be asked whether you want to empty your bowels.   
In addition to these tests, the midwife and the doctor will order more tests if necessary, for example ultrasound, x-rays and blood tests. The results of the tests will determine the further follow-up.​

Last updated 11/2/2016