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Norge i verdenstoppen på skiftarbeidforskning.

I artikkelen "Analysis and mapping of global research publications on shift work (2012–2021)" publisert i Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology har W. Sweileh undersøkt hvilke forfattere og institusjonene som har flest publiserte artikler om skiftarbeid. Bjørn Bjorvatn, senterleder ved SOVno og professor ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) er øverst på listen og Ståle Pallesen, professor ved UiB og medlem av arbeidsgruppen ved SOVno er nummer 2 på listen. Siri Waage, senterkoordinator ved SOVno og tilknyttet UiB er nummer 9 på listen over forfattere med flest publikasjoner. Disse er alle tilknyttet «Forskningssenter for søvn, arbeid og helse» ved UiB. Blant institusjonene med flest publikasjoner om skiftarbeid finner vi Universitetet i Bergen på 3 plass, med Haukeland universitetssykehus på plassen bak.

Publisert 05.01.2023
Sist oppdatert 01.11.2024

Artikkelen er publisert i Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology

Background: The main objective of the study was to identify research trends, collaboration patterns, and the most impactful publications in the field of shift work.
Methods: Documents published in scientific journals indexed in the Scopus database on shift work were retrieved and analyzed using the title/abstract search methodology. The study period was from January 1st, 2012, to December 31st, 2021.
Results: Two thousand three hundred twenty-eight documents were retrieved with an h-index of 71 and an average number of 4.5 authors per document. The cumulative number of publications showed a linear growth pattern, while that of citations showed an exponential pattern. The most frequent author keywords, excluding keywords related to shift work, were sleep, fatigue, and nursing. The average annual growth rate was 4.3, and the average doubling time was 3.2. No significant correlation was found between the number of publications and national income among prolific countries. Cross-country research collaboration was weak while the degree of author-author collaboration was relatively high. The Chronobiology International journal was the most prolific, while Harvard University was the most active institution in the field of shift work.
Conclusions: Given the volume and the negative health impact of shift work, better human resource management is needed to create safer and healthier working schedules.