Symptomer på insomni og risiko for infeksjon i blodbanen.
Tidligere forskning tyder på at redusert immunforsvar gir økt risiko for infeksjoner hos personer med insomni. Forskere fra NTNU, St. Olavs hospital, Yale University, Folkehelseinstituttet, Nord universitet og Levanger sykehus har i denne studien undersøkt om symptomer på insomni kunne øke risikoen for infeksjoner i blodbanen og dødelighet relatert til dette hos 53 536 deltakere i Helseundersøkelsen i Nord-Trøndelag (HUNT2). Forskerne fant at insomni og symptomer på insomni som påvirket arbeidsinnsatsen var assosiert med en svak økt risiko for infeksjoner i blodbanen.
Publisert 15.09.2022
Marianne S Thorkildsen, Lars E Laugsand, Tom I L Nilsen, Randi M Mohus, Lise H Høvik, Tormod Rogne, Erik Solligård, Jan K Damås, Lise T Gustad
Studien er publisert i Journal of Sleep Research
Previous research suggests decreased immune function and increased risk of infections in individuals with insomnia. We examined the effect of insomnia symptoms on risk of bloodstream infections (BSIs) and BSI-related mortality in a population-based prospective study. A total of 53,536 participants in the second Norwegian Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT2) (1995-97) were linked to prospective data on clinically relevant BSIs until 2011. In Cox regression, we estimated hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for a first-time BSI and for BSI-related mortality (BSI registered ≤30 days prior to death) associated with insomnia symptoms. Compared with participants who reported "no symptoms", participants reporting having "difficulty initiating sleep" (DIS) often/almost every night had a HR for a first-time BSI of 1.14 (95% CI 0.96-1.34). Participants reporting "difficulties maintaining sleep" (DMS) often/almost every night had a HR of 1.19 (95% CI 1.01-1.40), whereas those having a feeling of "non-restorative sleep" once a week or more had a HR of 1.23 (95% CI 1.04-1.46). Participants frequently experiencing all three of the above symptoms had a HR of 1.39 (1.04-1.87), whilst those who had both DIS and DMS had a HR of 1.15 (0.93-1.41) and being troubled by insomnia symptoms to a degree that affected work performance was associated with a HR of 1.41 (95% CI 1.08-1.84). The HRs for BSI-related mortality suggest an increased risk with increasing insomnia symptoms, but the CIs are wide and inconclusive. We found that frequent insomnia symptoms and insomnia symptoms that affected work performance were associated with a weak positive increased risk of BSI.