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Nyttige ressurser

Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for gastroenterologisk ultralyd er involverte i flere organisasjoner og har mange nasjonale og internasjonale samarbeidspartnere. Under følger lenker til nyttige nettadresser, samt titler i vårt bibliotek.

Nasjonale nettsteder

Norsk forening for ultralyddiagnostikk

Norsk gastroenterologisk forening (NGF)

Fagbladet Gastroenterologen

Internasjonale nettsteder

World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

WFUMB Ultrasound Book ​

European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) 

EFSUMB Ultrasound Learning Centre Bergen

International bowel ultrasound group (IBUS)

Utvalgte titler
Gastrointestinal endoskopiLars Aabakken1997
Color Atlas of endoscopy and biopsy of the intestineKurt Beck, Wofram Discler, Manfred Helms Wolfgang Oehlert1975
Differential diagnosis in Abdominal UltrasoundR.A.L.Bisset, A.N.Khan2002
Color Atlas of Ultrasound AnatomyBerthold Block2004
Gastroenterological EndoscopyMeinhard Classen, Guido N.J.Tytgat, C.J.Lightdale2002
Gastroenterology clinics of North AmericaRoy K.H.Col1991
Gastrointestinal endosonographyVan Dam, Sivak1999
The Slide Atlas of EndosonographyJacques Van Dam, G.Zuccaro, M.Sivak1994
Endosonography in GastroenterologyHenryk Dancygier, Charles J. Lightdale1999
Clinical Impact of EndosonographyPaul Fockens1996
Functional Dyspepsia Studied By Two- and Three-Dimensional UltrasonographyOdd Helge Gilja1997
Introduction to curvilinear (CLA) EUS (videokasett-Olympus)Robert H. Hawes2002
Ultrasound Teaching ManualMatthias Hofer2005
Digitale BildverarbeitungBernd Jahne1993
Endoscopic ultrasonography in gastroenterologyKeiichi Kawai1988
Fundamentals of spatial information systemRobert Laurini, Derek Thompson1992
Manual of UltrasoundH. Lutz, R. Meudt1984
Terminology, Definitions and Diagnostic Criteria in Digestive EndoscopyZdenek Maratka, D.E. Fleischer1994
Three-Dimensional Ultrasound ( 2 stk. )Thomas R. Nelson, Donal B. Downey m.fl.1999
Endoscopic Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Gastrointestinal DiseasesLars Birger Nesje2001
Eosophagal motility. Techniques and Clinical ApplicationsWilliam C. Orr1986
AcousticsAlland D. Pierce1981
State of the Art in Computer GraphicsDavid F. Rogers, Rae A. Earnshaw1991
Esophageal Endoscopic Ultrasonography (videokassett-Olympus)T.Røsch,Rey,Souquet, S.Ødegaard m.fl.
Longotudinal EndosonographyT.Røsch, U.Will, K.J. Chang2001
Gastroenterologic EndosonographyT. Røsch, M.Classen1992
Cancer staging/submucosal (SMT) lesions (videokasett-Olympus)Anand V. Sahai2002
Tryckmatning och pH-registrering vid gastroesofageal refluxsjukdomStig Sandmark, Bjørn Sandmark, Håkan Enbom, Juris Purens1993
A colour Atlas of LiverSheila Sherlock, John A.1979
Miniprobe EUS (videokasett-Olympus)Chan-Sup Shim2002
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound of Liver DiseasesL.Solbiati, A.Martegani, E.Leen, J.M. Corres m.fl.2003
Therapeutic Endoscopy Color AtlasNib Soehenra, Kenneth Binmoeller m.fl.1998
Normal and disturbed Motility of the gastrointestinal tractAndrè J.P.M.Smout, Louis M.A. Akkermans1992
Advances in Gastrointestinal EndoscopyBhutani Tandon2001
Ultrasound scanning. Principles and protocolsBetty Bates Tempkin1999
Medical Images: Formation, Handling and EvaluationAndrew E. Todd-Pokropek, Max A.Viegever1992
Endoscopic ultrasonographyPeter Villmann1997
Radial EUS (videokasett-Olympus)Michael B. Wallace2002
The handbook of Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Digestive TractKenjiro Yasuda2000
European Journal of UltrasoundSvein Ødegaard1999
Basic and aspects of gastrointestinal ultrasonographySvein Ødegaard, Odd Helge Gilja, Hans Gregersen2005
Atlas of Endoscopic UltrasonographySvein Ødegaard, Lars Birger Nesje, Odd Helge Gilja2007
Innføring i abdominal ultrasonografiSvein Ødegaard, Odd Helge Gilja, Knut Matre2009
Endoscopic Ultrasound, 2. edCristoph F. Dietrich2011


Sist oppdatert 06.07.2023