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Sammenheng mellom komorbide psykiske lidelser og dårlig eksekutiv funksjon ved hypocretin-1-mangel hos barn og unge med narkolepsi type1.

Forskere fra NevSom, Oslo universitetssykehus, Viken fylkeskommune, Statistisk sentralbyrå og Universitetet i Oslo hadde som hovedmål i denne studien å undersøke forekomst av psykiske lidelser og dårlig eksekutiv funksjon, og videre undersøke sammenheng mellom komorbide psykiske lidelser, eksekutive funksjoner og alvorlighetsgraden av cerebrospinalvæske (CSF) hypocretin-1-mangel hos barn med narkolepsi type 1. Det ble gjort en tverrsnittsstudie med 59 pasienter i alderen 6 - 20 år, hvor 54 pasienter var vaksinerte med Pandemrix. Resultatene viste at flertallet av pasientene hadde en eller flere psykisk komorbide lidelser og dårlig eksekutiv funksjon. CSF hypocretin-1-mangel var assosiert med komorbid psykisk lidelse og dårlig eksekutive funksjoner. Forskerne konkluderer med at høy forekomst og sammenheng mellom komorbid psykisk lidelse og dårlig eksekutiv funksjon må tas hensyn til i behandling av denne pasientgruppen.

Publisert 24.08.2023
Sist oppdatert 01.11.2024

Berit Hjelde Hansen, Hilde Norsted Andresen, Jonas Gjesvik, Per M Thorsby, Terje Nærland, Stine Knudsen-Heier.

Studien er publisert i Sleep Medicine.

Objective/background: Psychiatric symptoms and cognitive deficits add significantly to impairment in academic achievement and quality of life in patients with narcolepsy. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and executive dysfunctions, secondly to explore the association between psychiatric comorbidity, executive dysfunctions, subjective and objective sleep measures, and severity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hypocretin-1 deficiency in pediatric narcolepsy type 1 (PNT1).
Patients/methods: Cross-sectional study of 59 consecutively included PNT1 patients (age: 6-20 years; 34:25 girls: boys; 54/59 H1N1 (Pandemrix®)-vaccinated). Core narcolepsy symptoms including subjective sleepiness, polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test results, CSF hypocretin-1 levels, psychiatric disorders (by semistructured diagnostic interview Kaufmann Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia Present and Lifetime version (KSADS)), and executive dysfunction (by Behavior Rating of Executive Function (BRIEF)) were assessed.
Results: 52.5% of the patients had one or more psychiatric comorbid disorder, and 64.7% had executive dysfunction in a clinically relevant range, with no sex difference in prevalence, while older age was associated with poorer executive function (p=0.013). Having any psychiatric comorbid disorder was associated with poorer executive functions (p=0.001). CSF hypocretin-1 deficiency severity was significantly associated with presence of psychiatric comorbidity (p=0.022) and poorer executive functions (p=0.030), and poorer executive functions was associated with subjective sleepiness (p=0.009).
Conclusions: The high occurrence of, and association between, psychiatric comorbidity and executive dysfunction underlines the importance of close attention to both these comorbidities in clinical care of NT1.