
Her finner du liste over publikasjoner om søvn av medlemmer av SOVno.


Bjorvatn B, Rørtveit G, Rebnord I, Waage S, Emberland KE, Forthun I. Self-reported short and long sleep duration, sleep debt and insomnia are associated with several types of infections: Results from the Norwegian practice-based research network in general practice - PraksisNett.

Matsui K, Chung F, Bjelajac AK, Merikanto I, Korman M, Mota-Rolim S, Cunha AS, Bjorvatn B, Xue P. Benedict C, Morin CM, Espie CA, Landtblom AM, Penzel T, De Gennaro, Holzinger B, Hrubos-Strøm H, Leger D, Bolstad C J, Nadorff MR, Plazzi G, Reis C, Chan, Wing YK, Yordanova J, Dauvilliers, Partinen M, Inoue Y. Associations between changes in habitual sleep duration and lower self-rated health among COVID-19 survivors: findings from a survey across 16 countries/regions. 

Dale TAH, Brekke F, Pallesen S. Who has nightmares? An investigation into the relationship between personality and nightmares.

Schønning V, Hysing M, Dovran A, Nilsen SA, Hafstad GS, Vedaa Ø, Sivertsen B. Sleep and childhood maltreatment: A matched-control study of sleep characteristics in Norwegian adolescents. 

Pahari P, Korkalainen H, Karhu T, Rissanen M, Arnardottir ES, Hrubos-Strøm H, Duce B, Töyräs J, Leppänen T, Nikkonen S. Obstructive sleep apnea-related intermittent hypoxaemia is associated with impaired vigilance. 

Chen SJ, Morin CM, Ivers H, Wing YK, Partinen M, Merikanto I, Holzinger B, Espie CA, De Gennaro L, Dauvilliers Y, Chung F, Yordanova J, Vidović D, Reis C, Plazzi G, Penzel T, Nadorff MR, Matsui K, Mota-Rolim S, Leger D, Landtblom AM, Korman M, Inoue Y, Hrubos-Strøm H, Chan NY, Bjelajac AK, Benedict C, Bjorvatn B. The association of insomnia with long COVID: An international collaborative study (ICOSS-II).

Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Pallesen S, Buysse DJ, Saxvig IW. The association between different sleep health dimensions and sex, age, education, circadian preference, and chronic insomnia: a representative population-based study.

Aakre JA,  Schulz J, Ballard C, Corbett A, Bjorvatn B, Aarsland D, Creese B, Hampshire A, Brooker H, Testad I. Self-reported sleep fragmentation and sleep duration and their association with cognitive function in PROTECT, a large digital community-based cohort of people over 50.

Riemann D, Espie CA, Altena E, Arnardottir ES, Baglioni C, Bassetti CLA, Bastien C, Berzina N, Bjorvatn B, Dikeos D, Dolenc GL, Ellis JG, Garcia-Borreguero D, Geoffroy PA, Gjerstad M, Gonçalves M, Hertenstein E, Hoedlmoser K, Hion T, Holzinger B, Janku K, Jansson-Fröjmark M, Järnefelt H, Jernelöv S, Jennum PJ, Khachatryan S, Krone L, Kyle SD, Lancee J, Leger D, Lupusor A, Marques DR, Nissen C, Palagini L, Paunio T, Perogamvros L, Pevernagie D, Schabus M, Shochat T, Szentkiralyi A, Van Someren E, van Straten A, Wichniak A, Verbraecken J, Spiegelhalder K. The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023.

Morin CM, Bei B. Bjorvatn B, Poyares D, Spiegelhalder K, Wing YK, Governing Council of the World Sleep Society. World sleep society international sleep medicine guidelines position statement endorsement of "behavioral and psychological treatments for chronic insomnia disorder in adults: An American Academy of sleep medicine clinical practice guidelines".

Sarkanen T, Partinen M, Bjorvatn B, Merikanto I, Benedict C, Nadorff MR, Bolstad CJ. Espie C, Matsui KE, Chung F, Morin CM, Wing YK, Penzel T, Macêdo T, Mota-Rolim S, Holzinger B, Plazzi G, De Gennaro L, Landtblom AM, Inoue Y, Sieminski M, Leger D, Dauvilliers Y. Association between hypersomnolence and the COVID-19 pandemic: The International COVID-19 Sleep Study (ICOSS).

Hiestand S, Forthun I, Waage S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Associations between excessive fatigue and pain, sleep, mental-health and work factors in Norwegian nurses. 

Forthun I, Eliassen KER, Emberland KE, Bjorvatn B. The association between self-reported sleep problems, infection, and antibiotic use in patients in general practice.

Xue P, Merikanto I, Chung F, Morin CM, Espie C, Bjorvatn B, Cedernaes J, Landtblom AM, Penzel T, De Gennaro L, Holzinger B, Matsui K, Hrubos-Strøm H, Korman M, Leger D, Mota-Rolim S, Bolstad CJ, Nadorff M, Plazzi G, Reis C, Chan RNY, Wing YK, Yordanova J, Bjelajac AK, Inoue Y, Partinen M, Dauvilliers Y, Benedict C. Persistent short nighttime sleep duration is associated with a greater post-COVID risk in fully mRNA-vaccinated individuals. 

Evanger LN, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Saxvig IW. Later school start time is associated with longer school day sleep duration and less social jetlag among Norwegian high school students: Results from a large-scale, cross-sectional study.

Saxvig IW, Bjorvatn B, Waage S. Habitual Sleep Patterns and Chronic Sleep Problems in Relation to Sex, Age, and Circadian Preference in a Population-Based Sample of Norwegian Adults.

Bjorvatn B, Merikanto I, Reis C, Korman M, Bjelajac AK, Holzinger B, De Gennaro L, Wing Morin CM. Espie CA. Benedict C. Landtblom AM. Matsui K. Hrubos-Strøm H. Mota[-Rolim S Nadorff MR, Plazzi G, Chan RNY, Partinen M, Dauvilliers Y, Chung F, Forthun I. Shift workers are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 compared with day workers: Results from the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS) of 7141 workers.

Scarpelli SE, De Santis A, Alfonsi V, Gorgoni M, Morin CM, Espie C, Merikanto I, Chung F, Penzel T, Bjorvatn B, Dauvilliers Y, Holzinger B, Wing YK, Partinen M, Plazzi G, De Gennaro L. The role of sleep and dreams in long-COVID. 

Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Saxvig IW. Do people use methods or tricks to fall asleep? A comparison between people with and without chronic insomnia.

Torsvik S, Bjorvatn B, Eliassen KE, Forthun I. Prevalence of insomnia and hypnotic use in Norwegian patients visiting their general practitioner.

Ernstsen L, Zotcheva E, Sui X, Engstrøm M, Martínez-Velilla N, Bjerkeset O, Bjorvatn B. Havnen A. Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Incident Purchase of Hypnotic Drugs in Adults: The HUNT Study. 

Merikanto I, Dauvilliers Y, Chung F. Wing YK, De Gennaro L, Holzinger B, Bjorvatn B, Morin CM, Penzel T, Benedict C, Koscec BA, Chan NY, Espie CA, Hrubos-Strøm H, Inoue Y, Korman M, Landtblom AM, Léger D, Matsui K, Mota-Rolim S, Nadorff MR, Plazzi G, Reis C, Yordanova J, Partinen M. Sleep symptoms are essential features of long-COVID - Comparing healthy controls with COVID-19 cases of different severity in the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS-II). 

Gravdahl GB. Aakerøy L, Stovner LJ, Engstrøm M, Müller KI Bjørk MH, Tronvik E. Continuous positive airway pressure in cluster headache: A randomized, placebo-controlled, triple-blind, crossover study. 

Liu Y, Partinen E, Chan NY, Dauvilliers Y, Inoue Y, De Gennaro L, Plazzi G, Bolstad CJ, Nadorff MR, Merikanto I, Bjorvatn B, Han F, Zhang B, Cunha AS, Mota-Rolim S, Léger D, Matsui K, Espie CA, Chung F, Morin CM, Sieminski M, Penzel T, Holzinger B, Partinen M, Wing YK. Dream-enactment behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international COVID-19 sleep study. Sleep Study. 

Fretheim-Kelly Z, Clemm HSH, Røksund OD, Hilland M, Vollsæter M, Halvorsen T. Translaryngeal Resistance: A Measurement to Assist Decision Making in Upper Airway Pathology.

Simpson SJ, Du BC, Evans DJ, Gibbons JTD, Vollsæter M, Halvorsen T, Gruber K, Lombardi E, Stanojevic S, Hurst JR, Um-Bergström P, Hallberg J, Doyle LW, Kotecha S.Unravelling the respiratory health path across the lifespan for survivors of preterm birth. 

Hrozanova M, Meisingset I, Kallestad H, Pallesen S, Nordstoga AL, Skarpsno ES. Group-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy versus waiting list in the treatment of insomnia in primary care: study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre randomized controlled trial. 

Rogde ÅJ, Lehmann S, Halvorsen T, Clemm H, Røksund OD, Hufthammer KO, Kvidaland HK, Vollsæter M, Andersen TM. Prevalence and impact of exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in asthma: a study protocol for a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. 

Ramfjord LS, Faaland P, Scott J, Saksvik SB, Lydersen S, Vedaa Ø, Kahn N, Langsrud K, Stiles TC, Ritterband LM, Harvey AG, Sivertsen B, Kallestad H. Digital cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia in individuals with self-reported insomnia and chronic fatigue: A secondary analysis of a large scale randomized controlled trial. 

Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Nilsen SA, Heradstveit O, Bøe T, Askeland KG. Sleep and dropout from upper secondary school: A register-linked study. 

Faaland P, Vedaa Ø, Langsrud K, Sivertsen B, Lydersen S, Saksvik SB, Vestergaard CL, Kjørstad K, Vethe D, Ritterband LM, Harvey AG, Stiles T C, Scott J, Kallestad H. Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep (DBAS) mediate outcomes in dCBT-I on psychological distress, fatigue, and insomnia severity.

Bjorvatn B, Kallestad H, Langsrud K, Vedaa Ø, Pallesen S, Waage S, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Saxvig IW, Abeler K. Nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av døgnrytmelidelser. 

Sigbjørnsen I, Ellingsen K, Bjorvatn B. Kunnskap om søvn. En studie av leger og medisinstudenters kunnskapsnivå om søvnmedisin ved bruk av Bergen Sleep Knowledge Questionnaire. 

Forthun I, Rørtveit G, Fossum GH, Jørgensen P, Halvorsen PA, Nilsen S, Straand J, Bellika JG, Bjorvatn B. Søvnforstyrrelser og forskrivning av hypnotika i allmennpraksis – en PraksisNett-studie.

Bjorvatn B. Søvnproblemer er vanlig, men mange pasienter opplever å få dårlig hjelp. SØVN 2023; nr.1: 4-5.

Schulte KØ, Raabe H, Irgens M, Hareide E, Saxvig IW. WondRest-prosjektet: God søvn med god samvittighet.

Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Djupedal ILR, Blytt KM, Harris A, Vedaa O, Pallesen S. Hva sier vitenskapen om sykepleieres helse? Her er en oppsummering.

Bjorvatn B. T19.6 Restless legs (revidert). T19.6 Restless legs syndrome (Willis-Ekboms sykdom) | Legemiddelhåndboka 

Bjorvatn B. T19.7 Leggkramper (revidert). T19.7 Leggkramper | Legemiddelhåndboka 


Forthun I, Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Sleep medication and melatonin use among Norwegian nurses - A cross-sectional study.

Danielsen Ys, Skjåkødegård HF, Bjorvatn B, Juliusson PB, Pallesen S. Polysomnographic comparison of sleep in children with obesity and normal weight without suspected sleep-related breathing disorder. 

Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Berge M, Thuen F, Berge T, Johansson A. Partner perceptions are associated with objective sensor-measured adherence to oral appliance therapy in obstructive sleep apnea. 
Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Evanger LN, Bjorvatn B.Sleep during COVID-19-related school lockdown, a longitudinal study among high school students.
Saeed S, Romarheim A, Mancia G, Saxvig IW, Gulati S, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B .Characteristics of hypertension and arterial stiffness in obstructive sleep apnea: A Scandinavian experience from a prospective study of 6408 normotensive and hypertensive patients.
Vedaa Ø, Djupedal ILR, Svensen E, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Lie SA, Nielsen M, Harris A. Health-promoting work schedules: protocol for a large-scale cluster randomised controlled trial on the effects of a work schedule without quick returns on sickness absence among healthcare workers.
Sunde E, Mrdalj J, Pedersen TT, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J, Harris A, Waage S, Pallesen S. Bright light exposure during simulated night work improves cognitive flexibility
Mjelle KES, Lehmann S, Saxvig IW, Gulati S, Bjorvatn B. Association of Excessive Sleepiness, Pathological Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety With Different Severity Levels of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Flaa TA, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Zakariassen E, Harris A, Gatterbauer-Trischler P, Waage S. Sleep and Sleepiness Measured by Diaries and Actigraphy among Norwegian and Austrian Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) Pilots. 
Jonassen TM, Bjorvatn B, Saxvig IW, Eagan TM, Lehmann S. Clinical information predicting severe obstructive sleep apnea: A cross-sectional study of patients waiting for sleep diagnostics.
Forthun I, Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. A shift to something better? A longitudinal study of work schedule and prescribed sleep medication use in nurses. 
Blytt KM, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Pallesen S, Harris A, Waage S. The association between shift work disorder and turnover intention among nurses.
Marthinsen GN, Helseth S, Småstuen M, Bjorvatn B, Bandlien SM, Fegran L.Sleep patterns and psychosocial health of parents of preterm and full-born infants: a prospective, comparative, longitudinal feasibility study.
Djupedal ILR, Pallesen S, Harris A, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Vedaa Ø. Changes in the Work Schedule of Nurses Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relationship with Sleep and Turnover Intention.
Ernstsen L, Zotcheva E, Sui X, Engstrøm M, Martínez-Velilla N, Bjerkeset O, Bjorvatn B, Havnen A. Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Incident Purchase of Hypnotic Drugs in Adults: The HUNT Study. 
Torsvik S, Bjorvatn B, Eliassen KE, Forthun I. Prevalence of insomnia and hypnotic use in Norwegian patients visiting their general practitioner.
Skeie-Larsen M, Stave R, Grønli J, Bjorvatn B, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Zandi A, Pallesen S. The Effects of Pharmacological Treatment of Nightmares: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trials.
Bredeli E, Vestergaard CL, Sivertsen B, Kallestad H, Øverland S, Ritterband LM, Glozier N, Pallesen S, Scott J, Langsrud K, Vedaa Ø. Intraindividual variability in sleep among people with insomnia and its relationship with sleep, health and lifestyle factors: an exploratory study.
Kjørstad K, Faaland PM, Sivertsen B, Kallestad H, Langsrud K, Vethe D, Vestergaard CL, Harris A, Pallesen S, Scott J, Vedaa Ø. Sleep and work functioning in nurses undertaking inpatient shifts in a blue-depleted light environment.
Kjørstad K, Vedaa Ø, Pallesen S, Saxvig IW, Hysing M, Sivertsen B. Circadian preference in young adults: Associations with sleep and mental health outcomes from a national survey of Norwegian university students.
Liset R, Grønli J, Henriksen RE, Henriksen TEG, Nilsen RM, Pallesen S. A randomized controlled trial on the effect of blue-blocking glasses compared to partial blue-blockers on melatonin profile among nulliparous women in third trimester of the pregnancy.
Liset R, Grønli J, Henriksen RE, Henriksen TEG, Nilsen RM, Pallesen S. A randomized controlled trial on the effects of blue-blocking glasses compared to partial blue-blockers on sleep outcomes in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Pedersen TT, Sunde E, Wisor J, Mrdalj J, Pallesen S, Grønli J. Sleep Homeostasis and Night Work: A Polysomnographic Study of Daytime Sleep Following Three Consecutive Simulated Night Shifts.
Kjørstad K, Sivertsen B, Vedaa Ø, Langsrud K, Vethe D, Faaland PM, Vestergaard CL, Lydersen S, Smith ORF, Scott J, Kallestad H. The effects of digital CBT-I on work productivity and activity levels and the mediational role of insomnia symptoms: Data from a randomized controlled trial with 6-month follow-up.
Digital cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia (dCBT-I): Chronotype moderation on intervention outcomes.
Schønning V, Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Dovran A, Askeland KG. Childhood maltreatment and sleep in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Scott J, Vedaa Ø, Sivertsen B, Langsrud K, Kallestad H. Using network intervention analysis to explore associations between participant expectations of and difficulties with cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia and clinical outcome: A proof of principle study.
Grasdalsmoen M, Clarsen B, Sivertsen B. Mental Health in Elite Student Athletes: Exploring the Link Between Training Volume and Mental Health Problems in Norwegian College and University Students.
Larsen DB, Bendix L, Abeler K, Petersen KK, Sprehn M, Bruun KD, Blichfeldt-Eckhardt MR, Vaegter HB. Obstructive sleep apnea is common in patients with high-impact chronic pain - an exploratory study from an interdisciplinary pain center.
Karlsen T, Engstrøm M, Steinshamn SL. Exercise and obstructive sleep apnoea: a 24-week follow-up study.
Mykland MS, Uglem M, Neverdahl JP, Øie LR, Meisingset TW, Dodick DW, Tronvik E, Engstrøm M, Sand T, Omland PM. Sleep restriction alters cortical inhibition in migraine: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study.
Heglum HSA, Drews HJ, Kallestad H, Vethe D, Langsrud K, Sand T, Engstrøm M. Contact-free radar recordings of body movement can reflect ultradian dynamics of sleep.
Neverdahl JP, Uglem M, Matre D, Hansen JO, Engstrøm M, Tronvik E, Stovner Lj, Sand T, Omland PM. Pain thresholds and suprathreshold pain after sleep restriction in migraine - A blinded crossover study.
Fretheim-Kelly Z, Engan M, Clemm H, Andersen T, Heimdal JH, Strand E, Halvorsen T, Røksund O, Vollsæter M. Reliability of translaryngeal airway resistance measurements during maximal exercise.
Andersen T, Fondenes O, Røksund OD, Clemm H, Halvorsen T, Vollsæter M.From bedside to bench - In vivo and in vitro evaluation of mechanically assisted cough treatment in a patient with bulbar Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Brekka AK, Vollsæter M, Ntoumenopoulos G, Clemm HH, Halvorsen T, Røksund OD, Andersen TM. Adjustments of non-invasive ventilation and mechanically assisted cough by combining ultrasound imaging of the larynx with transnasal fibre-optic laryngoscopy: a protocol for an experimental study.
Andersen TM, Vollsæter M. Go With the Flow: Are We Cracking the Code? Respiratory Management of Bulbar ALS Is Evolving.
Saeed S, Romarheim A, Solheim E, Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S. Cardiovascular remodeling in obstructive sleep apnea: focus on arterial stiffness, left ventricular geometry and atrial fibrillation.
Dyrberg H, Bjorvatn B, Larsen ER. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in Outpatients with Major Depression-A Randomised Controlled Trial.
Sunde E, Harris A, Nielsen MB, Bjorvatn B, Lie SA, Holmelid Ø, Vedaa Ø, Waage S, Pallesen S. Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis on the associations between shift work and sickness absence.
Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Saxvig IW. Do people use methods or tricks to fall asleep? A comparison between people with and without chronic insomnia.

​​Kolberg E, Pallesen S, Hjetland GJ, Nordhus I H, Thun E, Flo-Groeneboom E. Insufficient melanopic equivalent daylight illuminance in nursing home dementia units across seasons and gaze directions
Nilsen SA, Bergström M, Sivertsen B, Stormark KM, Hysing M. Sleep in adolescence: Considering family structure and family complexity.




Publikasjoner på norsk

​​ Bjorvatn B, Waage S. Insomni – den vanligste søvnlidelsen. SØVN 2022; nr. 1 

 Bjorvatn B, Waage S. Døgnrytmelidelser. SØVN 2022; nr. 2

Forthun I, Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Sykepleiere som jobber flere enn seksti nattevakter i året, har dobbelt så høy sannsynlighet for å bruke sovemedisiner som de som ikke jobber nattevakter. Sykepleien

Ruths S, Bjorvatn B. Forskning etter tusenårsskiftet. Akademisk allmennmedisin i Bergen 50 år: 1972-2020. Michael.

Bjorvatn B. Fastlegenes rolle i utredning og behandling av insomni? Utposten 2022; nr. 6: 13-15.

Bjorvatn B. T5.2 Søvnvansker (revidert). Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell, (

Bjorvatn B. Rastløse bein (revidert). Fagarbeider for Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL)

Bjorvatn B. Insomni (revidert). Fagarbeider for Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL)

Bjorvatn B. Forsinket søvnfaselidelse (revidert). Fagarbeider for Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL)

​Waage S og Bakken L.N. Kapittel om søvn i boken «Sykepleieboken 1», Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 6.utgave​. ISBN/EAN:9788202673543



Partinen M, Bjorvatn B, Holzinger B, Chung F, Penzel T, Espie CA, Morin CM. ​Sleep and circadian problems during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: the International COVID-19 Sleep Study (ICOSS).
Søbstad JH, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Costa G, Hystad SW​. Predictors of turnover intention among Norwegian nurses: A cohort study.
Flaa TA, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Røislien J, Zakariassen E, Harris A, Waage S. Subjective and objective sleep among air ambulance personnel.
Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Waage S, Thun E, Blytt KM​. The effects of bright light treatment on subjective and objective sleepiness during three consecutive night shifts among hospital nurses - a counter-balanced placebo-controlled crossover study.
Lundetræ RS, Saxvig IW, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B​. Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
Bjorvatn B, Saxvig IW, Waage S, Pallesen S. Self-reported seasonality is strongly associated with chronotype and weakly associated with latitude.
Thun E, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Vedaa Ø, Blytt KM, Pallesen S​ Short sleep duration and high exposure to quick returns are associated with impaired everyday memory in shift workers.
Saxvig IW, Bjorvatn B, Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Gradisar M, Pallesen S. Sleep in older adolescents. Results from a large cross-sectional, population-based study.
Opsahl UL, Berge M, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Opsahl P, Johansson A​. Acoustic pharyngometry - A new method to facilitate oral appliance therapy.
Benedict C, Partinen M, Bjorvatn B, Cedernaes J. Sleep in Female Healthcare Workers during COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study in Sweden during the Flattening of the First Wave of the Pandemic.
Bjorvatn B, Jernelöv S, Pallesen S. Insomnia - A Heterogenic Disorder Often Comorbid With Psychological and Somatic Disorders and Diseases: A Narrative Review With Focus on Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges.
Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Harris A, Sagoe D​. Prevalence of Shift Work Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Vedaa Ø, Thun E, Vikanes Buchvold H, Blytt KM, Harris A, Bjorvatn B. Changes in work schedule affect the prevalence of shift work disorder among Norwegian nurses - a two year follow-up study.
Blytt KM, Flo-Groeneboom E, Erdal A, Bjorvatn B, Husebø BS​. Sleep and its Association With Pain and Depression in Nursing Home Patients With Advanced Dementia - a Cross-Sectional Study.
Saxvig IW, Evanger LN, Pallesen S, Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Gradisar M, Bjorvatn B. Circadian typology and implications for adolescent sleep health. Results from a large, cross-sectional, school-based study.
Benedict C, Brandão LEM, Merikanto I, Partinen M, Bjorvatn B, Cedernaes J. Meal and Sleep Timing before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Anonymous Survey Study from Sweden.
Hjetland GJ, Kolberg E, Pallesen S, Thun E, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B, Flo-Groeneboom E​. Ambient bright light treatment improved proxy-rated sleep but not sleep measured by actigraphy in nursing home patients with dementia: a placebo-controlled randomised trial.
Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Saxvig IW, Waage S​. Daylight Saving Time preferences in Norway: Do individual chronotype and home address' latitude and longitude matter?
Waage S, Pallesen S, Vedaa Ø, Buchvold H, Blytt KM, Harris A, Bjorvatn B.Sleep patterns among Norwegian nurses between the first and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lundetræ RS, Saxvig IW, Aurlien H, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B. Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Symptoms and Prevalence of Insomnia in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Longitudinal Study.
Pallesen S, Thun E, Waage S, Vedaa Ø, Harris A, Blytt KM, Kaur P, Bjorvatn B​.Stability and Change of the Personality Traits Languidity and Flexibility in a Sample of Nurses: A 7-8 Years Follow-Up Study.
Jernelöv S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B​. Editorial: Insomnia: A Heterogenic Disorder Often Comorbid With Other Disorders and Diseases.
Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Berge M, Thuen F, Berge T, Johansson A​. Partner perceptions are associated with objective sensor-measured adherence to oral appliance therapy in obstructive sleep apnea.
Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Evanger LN, Bjorvatn B. Sleep during COVID-19-related school lockdown, a longitudinal study among high school students.
Danielsen Ys, Skjåkødegård HF, Bjorvatn B, Juliusson PB, Pallesen S. Polysomnographic comparison of sleep in children with obesity and normal weight without suspected sleep-related breathing disorder.
Falch-Madsen J, Wichstrøm L, Pallesen S, Jensen MR, Bertheussen L, Solhaug S, Steinsbekk S. Predictors of diagnostically defined insomnia in child and adolescent community samples: a literature review.
Falch-Madsen J, Wichstrøm L, Pallesen S, Ranum BM, Steinsbekk S​. Child and family predictors of insomnia from early childhood to adolescence.
Hrozanova M, Klöckner CA, Sandbakk Ø, Pallesen S, Moen F. Sex differences in sleep and influence of the menstrual cycle on women's sleep in junior endurance athletes.
Kristensen JH, Pallesen S, King DL, Hysing M, Erevik EK. Problematic Gaming and Sleep: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Kolberg E, Hjetland GJ, Thun E, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Husebo BS, Flo-Groeneboom E. The effects of bright light treatment on affective symptoms in people with dementia: a 24-week cluster randomized controlled trial.
Kolberg E, Pallesen S, Hjetland GJ, Nordhus IH, Flo-Groeneboom E​. The Effect of Bright Light Treatment on Rest-Activity Rhythms in People with Dementia: A 24-Week Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
Nielsen MB, Pallesen S, Einarsen SV, Harris A, Rajalingam D, Gjerstad J. Associations between exposure to workplace bullying and insomnia: a cross-lagged prospective study of causal directions.
Ranum BM, Wichstrøm L, Pallesen S, Falch-Madsen J, Steinsbekk S. Persistent Short Sleep from Childhood to Adolescence: Child, Parent and Peer Predictors.
Sivertsen B, Friborg O, Pallesen S, Vedaa Ø, Hopstock LA​. Sleep in the land of the midnight sun and polar night: The Tromsø Study.
Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Gradisar M, Pallesen S, Hysing M​. Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder in young adults: prevalence and correlates from a national survey of Norwegian university students.
Sivertsen B, Pallesen S, Friborg O, Nilsen KB, Bakke ØK, Goll JB, Hopstock LA. Sleep patterns and insomnia in a large population-based study of middle-aged and older adults: The Tromsø study 2015-2016.
Bredeli E, Vestergaard CL, Sivertsen B, Kallestad H, Øverland S, Ritterband LM, Glozier N, Pallesen S, Scott J, Langsrud K, Vedaa Ø​. Intraindividual variability in sleep among people with insomnia and its relationship with sleep, health and lifestyle factors: an exploratory study.
Hjetland GJ, Skogen JC, Hysing M, Sivertsen B. The Association Between Self-Reported Screen Time, Social Media Addiction, and Sleep Among Norwegian University Students.
Kallestad H, Scott J, Vedaa Ø, Lydersen S, Vethe D, Morken G, Stiles TC, Sivertsen B, Langsrud K. Mode of delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial of digital and face-to-face therapy.
Almaas MAJ, Heradstveit O, Askeland KG, Sivertsen B, Nilsen SA, Hysing M. Sleep patterns and insomnia among adolescents receiving child welfare services: A population-based study.
Schønning V, Dovran A, Hysing M, Hafstad GS, Stokke K, Aarø LE, Tobiassen S, Jonassen JAB, Vedaa Ø, Sivertsen B. Study protocol: the Norwegian Triple-S Cohort Study - establishing a longitudinal health survey of children and adolescents with experiences of maltreatment.
Kallestad H, Saksvik S, Vedaa Ø, Langsrud K, Morken G, Lydersen S, Simpson MR, Dørheim Sk, Holmøy B, Selvik SG, Hagen K, Stiles TC, Harvey A, Ritterband L, Sivertsen B, Scott J​. Digital cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia compared with digital patient education about insomnia in individuals referred to secondary mental health services in Norway: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Harvey AG, Petrie KJ. The Epidemiology of Insomnia and Sleep Duration Across Mental and Physical Health: The SHoT Study.
Steine IM, Skogen JC, Hysing M, Puigvert L, Schønning V, Sivertsen B. Sexual harassment and assault predict sleep disturbances and is partly mediated by nightmares: Findings from a national survey of all university students in Norway.
Danielsen Ys, Pallesen S, Sivertsen B, Stormark KM, Hysing M. Weekday time in bed and obesity risk in adolescence.
Vestergaard CL, Vedaa Ø, Simpson MR, Faaland P, Vethe D, Kjørstad K, Langsrud K, Ritterband LM, Sivertsen B, Stiles TC, Scott J, Kallestad H. The effect of sleep-wake intraindividual variability in digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: a mediation analysis of a large-scale RCT.
Bratke H, Sivertsen B​. Mental and somatic health in university students with type 1 diabetes: new results from DiaSHoT18, a cross sectional national health and well-being survey.
Scott J, Kallestad H, Vedaa O, Sivertsen B, Etain B​. Sleep disturbances and first onset of major mental disorders in adolescence and early adulthood: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ystrom E, Hysing M​. Sleep- problems and depressive symptoms in toddlers and 8-year-old children: A longitudinal study.
Wisor JP, Holmedahl NH, Saxvig IW, Fjeldstad OM, Weitzberg E, Grønli J, Engan HK​. Effect of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Sleep in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients.
Andersen TM, Hov B, Halvorsen T, Røksund OD, Vollsæter M​. Upper Airway Assessment and Responses During Mechanically Assisted Cough.
Satrell E, Clemm H, Røksund O, Hufthammer KO, Thorsen E, Halvorsen T, Vollsæter M. Development of lung diffusion to adulthood following extremely preterm birth.
Filosa J, Omland PM, Langsrud K, Hagen K, Engstrøm M, Drange OK, Knutsen AJ, Brenner E, Kallestad H, Sand T​. Validation of insomnia questionnaires in the general population: The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT).
Vethe D, Scott J, Engstrøm M, Salvesen Ø, Sand T, Olsen A, Morken G, Heglum HS, Kjørstad K, Faaland PM, Vestergaard CL, Langsrud K, Kallestad H.The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and improve sleep.
Distinguishing sleep from wake with a radar sensor: a contact-free real-time sleep monitor.
Abeler K, Bergvik S, Sand T, Friborg O. Daily associations between sleep and pain in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Neverdahl JP, Uglem M, Matre D, Hansen JO, Engstrøm M, Tronvik E, Stovner Lj, Sand T, Omland PM. Pain thresholds and suprathreshold pain after sleep restriction in migraine - A blinded crossover study.
Øverland B, Berdal H, Akre H. Surgery for obstructive sleep apnea in young children: Outcome evaluated by polysomnograhy and quality of life.
Fredwall SO, Øverland B, Berdal H, Berg S, Weedon-Fekjær H, Lidal IB, Savarirayan R, Månum G. Obstructive sleep apnea in Norwegian adults with achondroplasia: a population-based study.
Holdø I, Bramness JG, Handal M, Hansen BH, Hjellvik V, Skurtveit S. Association Between Prescribed Hypnotics in Infants and Toddlers and Later ADHD: A Large Cohort Study from Norway.
Pedersen TT, Sunde E, Wisor J, Mrdalj J, Pallesen S, Grønli J. Sleep homeostasis and night work: A polysomnographic study of daytime sleep following three consecutive simulated night shifts.

Bjorvatn B. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders. 1. Nosological classification, definitions, and epidemiology. In: Sleep Medicine Textbook (second edition). Ed: Bassetti, McNicholas, Paunio, Peigneux. European Sleep Research Society. 2021: 435-440. 

Axelsson J, Bjorvatn B. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders. 2.1. Shift work. In: Sleep Medicine Textbook (second edition). Ed: Bassetti, McNicholas, Paunio, Peigneux. European Sleep Research Society. 2021: 441-448.

Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders. 3. Clinical picture and diagnosis. In: Sleep Medicine Textbook (second edition). Ed: Bassetti, McNicholas, Paunio, Peigneux. European Sleep Research Society. 2021: 461-466.

Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders. 5. Health risks. In: Sleep Medicine Textbook (second edition). Ed: Bassetti, McNicholas, Paunio, Peigneux. European Sleep Research Society. 2021: 483-492.

Kolberg E, Pallesen S, Hjetland GJ, Nordhus IH, Thun E, Flo E. Insufficient melanopic equivalent daylight illuminance in nursing home dementia units across seasons and gaze directions. Lighting Research & Technology: in press. 
Pallesen. S, Bjorvatn, B. Health risks. In C Bassetti, W McNicholas, T Paunio, P Peigneux (Eds.), Sleep Medicine Textbook (2nd ed.). Regensburg: European Sleep Research Society 2021: 483-492.


Barclay N, Hysing H, Sivertsen B, Gregory A. Pediatric Insomnia and its Developmental Trajectories. In: Meir H. Kryger (Ed) Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine - 2 Volume Set 7th Edition. Elsevier - Health Sciences



Bjorvatn B. Søvnens betydning for å holde oss friske og raske i dagens pandemi. SØVN 2021; nr. 1: 4-5.

Holsten F. Søvn, rus og psykiske lidelser. SØVN 2021; nr. 1: 29-33

Johannessen TA, Bjorvatn B. REM-søvn atferdsforstyrrelse. Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL). 

 Johannessen TA, Bjorvatn B. Søvnproblemer hos barn (revidert). Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL). 

Johannessen TA, Bjorvatn B. Søvnapné (revidert). Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL)  



Baglioni C, Altena E, Bjorvatn B, Blom K, Bothelius K, Devoto A, Espie CA, Frase L, Gavriloff D, Tuuliki H, Hoflehner A, Högl B, Holzinger B, Järnefelt H, Jernelöv S, Johann AF, Lombardo C, Nissen C, Palagini L, Peeters G, Perlis ML, Posner D, Schlarb A, Spiegelhalder K, Wichniak A, Riemann D. The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and dissemination of treatment.

Matre D, Nilsen KB, Katsifaraki M, Waage S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Pain complaints are associated with quick returns and insomnia among Norwegian nurses, but do not differ between shift workers and day only workers.

Olufsen IS, Sørensen ME, Bjorvatn B. New diagnostic criteria for insomnia and the association between insomnia, anxiety and depression.

Sunde E, Mrdalj J, Pedersen T, Thun E, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J, Harris A, Waage S, Pallesen S. Role of nocturnal light intensity on adaptation to three consecutive night shifts: a counterbalanced crossover study.

Jåbekk P, Jensen RM, Sandell MB, Haugen E, Katralen LM, Bjorvatn B. A randomized controlled pilot trial of sleep health education on body composition changes following 10 weeks' resistance exercise.

Bjorøy I, Jørgensen VA, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. The Prevalence of Insomnia Subtypes in Relation to Demographic Characteristics, Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol Consumption and Use of Hypnotics.

Hamre KV, Einarsen SV, Hoprekstad ØL, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Moen BE, Harris A. Accumulated Long-Term Exposure to Workplace Bullying Impairs Psychological Hardiness: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study among Nurses.

Steine IM, Winje D, Krystal JH, Milde AM, Bjorvatn B, Nordhus IH, Grønli J, Pallesen S. Longitudinal Relationships between Perceived Social Support and Symptom Outcomes: Findings from a sample of Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.

Pallesen S, Hamre HS, Lang N, Bjorvatn B. Doxazosin for the treatment of nightmare disorder: A diary-based case study.

Katsifaraki M, Nilsen KB, Christensen JO, Wærsted M, Knardahl S, Bjorvatn B, Härmä M, Matre D. Pain complaints after consecutive nights and quick returns in Norwegian nurses working three-shift rotation: an observational study.

Vedaa Ø, Harris A, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Thun E, Buchvold HV, Djupedal ILR, Pallesen S. A longitudinal study on the association between quick returns and occupational accidents. 

Bjorvatn B, Axelsson J, Pallesen S, Waage S, Vedaa Ø, Blytt KM, Buchvold HV, Moen BE, Thun E. The Association Between Shift Work and Immunological Biomarkers in Nurses. 

Sunde E, Pedersen T, Mrdalj J, Thun E, Grønli J, Harris A, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Skene DJ, Pallesen S. Blue-Enriched White Light Improves Performance but Not Subjective Alertness and Circadian Adaptation During Three Consecutive Simulated Night Shifts.

Steine IM, Nielsen B, Porter PA, Krystal JH, Winje D, Grønli J, Milde AM, Bjorvatn B, Nordhus IH, Pallesen S. Predictors and correlates of lifetime and persistent non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. 

Garde AH, Begtrup L, Bjorvatn B, Bonde JP, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Härmä M, Jensen MA, Kecklund G, Kolstad HA, Larsen AD, Lie JA, Moreno CR, Nabe-Nielsen K, Sallinen M. How to schedule night shift work in order to reduce health and safety risks. 

Partinen M, Bjorvatn B, Holzinger B, Chung F, Penzel T, Espie CA, Morin CM. Sleep and circadian problems during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: the International COVID-19 Sleep Study (ICOSS). 

Sunde E, Pedersen T, Mrdalj J, Thun E, Grønli J, Harris A, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Skene DJ, Pallesen S. Alerting and Circadian Effects of Short-Wavelength vs. Long-Wavelength Narrow-Bandwidth Light during a Simulated Night Shift.

Søbstad JH, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Costa G, Hystad SW. Predictors of turnover intention among Norwegian nurses: A cohort study. 

Flaa TA, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Røislien J, Zakariassen E, Harris A, Waage S. Subjective and objective sleep among air ambulance personnel. 

Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Waage S, Thun E, Blytt KM. The effects of bright light treatment on subjective and objective sleepiness during three consecutive night shifts among hospital nurses - a counter-balanced placebo-controlled crossover study. 

Lundetræ RS, Saxvig IW, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B. Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. 

Bjorvatn B, Saxvig IW, Waage S, Pallesen S. Self-reported seasonality is strongly associated with chronotype and weakly associated with latitude.

Thun E, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Vedaa Ø, Blytt KM, Pallesen S. Short sleep duration and high exposure to quick returns are associated with impaired everyday memory in shift workers.

Saxvig IW, Bjorvatn B, Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Gradisar M, Pallesen S. Sleep in older adolescents. Results from a large cross-sectional, population-based study. 

Opsahl UL, Berge M, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Opsahl P, Johansson A. Acoustic pharyngometry - A new method to facilitate oral appliance therapy. 

Evers K, Chen S, Rothmann S, Dhir A, Pallesen S. Investigating the relation among disturbed sleep due to social media use, school burnout, and academic performance. 

Falch-Madsen J, Wichstrøm L, Pallesen S, Steinsbekk S. Prevalence and stability of insomnia from preschool to early adolescence: a prospective cohort study in Norway.

Hjetland GJ, Pallesen S, Thun E, Kolberg E, Nordhus IH, Flo E. Light interventions and sleep, circadian, behavioral, and psychological disturbances in dementia: A systematic review of methods and outcomes.

Hrozanova M, Klöckner CA, Sandbakk Ø, Pallesen S, Moen F. Reciprocal Associations Between Sleep, Mental Strain, and Training Load in Junior Endurance Athletes and the Role of Poor Subjective Sleep Quality. 

Nielsen MB, Harris A, Pallesen S, Einarsen SV. Workplace bullying and sleep - A systematic review and meta-analysis of the research literature. 

Ranum BM, Wichstrøm L, Pallesen S, Steinsbekk S. Prevalence and stability of insufficient sleep measured by actigraphy: a prospective community study. 

Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Gradisar M, Pallesen S, Hysing M. Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder in young adults: prevalence and correlates from a national survey of Norwegian university students.

Sivertsen B, Friborg O, Pallesen S, Vedaa Ø, Hopstock LA. Sleep in the land of the midnight sun and polar night: The Tromsø study.

Sivertsen B, Pallesen S, Friborg O, Nilsen KB, Bakke ØK, Goll JB, Hopstock LA. Sleep patterns and insomnia in a large population-based study of middle-aged and older adults: The Tromsø study 2015-2016.

Toften S, Pallesen S, Hrozanova M, Moen F, Grønli J. Validation of sleep stage classification using non-contact radar technology and machine learning (Somnofy®).

Vedaa Ø, Kallestad H, Scott J, Smith ORF, Pallesen S, Morken G, Langsrud K, Gehrman P, Thorndike FP, Ritterband LM, Harvey AG, Stiles T, Sivertsen B. Effects of digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia on insomnia severity: a large-scale randomised controlled trial. 

Ree A, Nilsen KB, Knardahl S, Sand T, Matre D. Sleep restriction does not potentiate nocebo-induced changes in pain and cortical potentials.

Filosa J, Omland PM, Langsrud K, Hagen K, Engstrøm M, Drange OK, Knutsen AJ, Brenner E, Kallestad H, Sand T. Validation of insomnia questionnaires in the general population: The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT).

Abeler K, Sand T, Friborg O, Bergvik S. Seasonality in pain, sleep and mental distress in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain at latitude 69° N.

Skarpsno ES, Nilsen TIL, Sand T, Hagen K, Mork PJ. Work-Related Mental Fatigue, Physical Activity and Risk of Insomnia Symptoms: Longitudinal Data from the Norwegian HUNT Study.

Vethe D, Scott J, Engstrøm M, Salvesen Ø, Sand T, Olsen A, Morken G, Heglum HS, Kjørstad K, Faaland PM, Vestergaard CL, Langsrud K, Kallestad H. The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and improve sleep.

Øverland B, Berdal H, Akre H. Correlations between disease-specific quality of life and polysomnographic findings in children with obstructive sleep apnea.

Hysing M, Heradstveit O, Harvey AG, Nilsen SA, Bøe T, Sivertsen B. Sleep problems among adolescents within child and adolescent mental health services. An epidemiological study with registry linkage.Eur Child Adolesc  

Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ystrom E, Hysing M. Sleep problems and depressive symptoms in toddlers and 8-year-old children: A longitudinal study.

Kjørstad K, Sivertsen B, Vedaa Ø, Langsrud K, Faaland PM, Vethe D, Vestergaard CL, Scott J, Kallestad H. The Effect of Reducing Insomnia Severity on Work- and Activity-Related Impairment.

Askeland KG, Sivertsen B, Hysing M. Sleep patterns and insomnia among internationally adopted adolescents.

Pallesen S, Waage S, Thun E, Andreassen CS, Bjorvatn B. A national survey on how sexual activity is perceived to be associated with sleep.

Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Thun E, Waage S. Slik påvirker skiftarbeid sykepleieres søvn og helse. Sykepleien.

 Bjorvatn B. T5.2 Søvnvansker (revidert). Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell.

Bjorvatn B. Er du lei av å stille klokken hver vår og høst? SØVN 2020; nr. 1: 4-5.

Steine IM, Bjorvatn B, Winje D, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Milde AM, Pallesen S. Seksuelle overgrep i barndommen og arbeidsuførhet i voksen alder: Funn fra et norsk befolkningsutvalg. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

Steine IM, Bjorvatn B, Winje D, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Milde AM, Pallesen S. Faktorer som henger sammen med økt risiko for arbeidsuførhet blant personer utsatt for seksuelle overgrep i barndommen. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

Bjorvatn B, Løge I. Narkolepsi (revidert). Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL),

Hansen BH, Bjorvatn B. Engstrøm M, Lode K. Debattinnlegg: Har sovet i timen. Dagbladet

Bjorvatn B. Hvordan påvirker COVID-19 pandemien søvnmønsteret vårt? SØVN 2020; nr. 2: 4-5.

Berge T, Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S, Fondenæs O, Norstein GM, Tveit HK, Kvassheim S. Kunnskapsbasert retningslinje om oppstart og oppfølging av behandling med CPAP av voksne med moderat til alvorlig obstruktiv søvnapné. Søvn 2020; nr. 1

Strandheim I, Aasen PA., Sivertsen B. STÅ OPP. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

 Bjorvatn B. Prioriterer du å få nok søvn? Mediaplanet, utgitt i Dagbladet 2020.

Bjorvatn B. Søvn og søvnforstyrrelser. I: Psykiske lidelser – forståelse og terapeutisk tilnærming. Sykepleiefaglige og flerfaglige perspektiver. Red: Gonzalez.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2020: 170-176. ISBN/EAN: 9788205516700

Bjorøy I, Jørgensen VA, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Forekomsten av angst, depresjon og bruk av alkohol og hypnotika varierer i ulike insomni subtyper. Best Practice, oktober 2020.

Holsten, F. Stemningslidelser. Sykepleiefaglige og flerfaglige perspektiver. Red: Gonzalez. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 2020: 170-176. ISBN/EAN: 9788205516700



Hagatun S, Vedaa Ø, Nordgreen T, Smith ORF, Pallesen S, Havik OE, Bjorvatn B, Thorndike FP, Ritterband LM, Sivertsen B. The Short-Term Efficacy of an Unguided Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial With a Six-Month Nonrandomized Follow-Up.

Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Saxvig IW, Johnsen EH, Marszalek MA, Wiig Andersen MI, Sætre VK, Lundervold AJ, Vedaa Ø, Nordhus IH, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Patients with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder show poorer executive functions compared to good sleepers.

Katsifaraki M, Nilsen KB, Christensen JO, Wærsted M, Knardahl S, Bjorvatn B, Härmä M, Matre D. Sleep duration mediates abdominal and lower-extremity pain after night work in nurses.

Vedaa Ø, Pallesen S, Erevik EK, Svensen E, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Harris A. Long working hours are inversely related to sick leave in the following 3 months: a 4-year registry study.

Zakariassen E, Waage S, Harris A, Gatterbauer-Trischler P, Lang B, Voelckel W, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Causes and Management of Sleepiness Among Pilots in a Norwegian and an Austrian Air Ambulance Service-A Comparative Study.

Lowden A, Öztürk G, Reynolds A, Bjorvatn B. Working Time Society consensus statements: Evidence based interventions using light to improve circadian adaptation to working hours.

Garde AH, Harris A, Vedaa Ø, Bjorvatn B, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Kolstad HA, Koskinen A, Pallesen S, Ropponen A, Härmä MI. Working hour characteristics and schedules among nurses in three Nordic countries - a comparative study using payroll data.

Vedaa Ø, Harris A, Erevik EK, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Moen BE, Pallesen S. Short rest between shifts (quick returns) and night work is associated with work-related accidents.

Sørengaard TA, Karlsen HR, Langvik E, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Moen BE, Saksvik-Lehouillier I. Insomnia as a Partial Mediator of the Relationship Between Personality and Future Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among Nurses.

Steine IM, Skogen JC, Krystal JH, Winje D, Milde AM, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Insomnia symptom trajectories among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A longitudinal study.

Flaa TA, Harris A, Bjorvatn B, Gundersen H, Zakariassen E, Pallesen S, Waage S. Sleepiness among personnel in the Norwegian Air Ambulance Service.

Stangenes KM, Hysing M, Elgen IB, Halvorsen T, Markestad T, Bjorvatn B. Sleep problems, behavioural problems and respiratory health in children born extremely preterm: a parental questionnaire study.

Buchvold HV, Pallesen S, Waage S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Shift Work and Lifestyle Factors: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study Among Nurses.

Saxvig IW, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Vedaa Ø, Bjorvatn B. Habitual Sleep, Social Jetlag, and Reaction Time in Youths With Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder. A Case-Control Study.

Baglioni C, Altena E, Bjorvatn B, Blom K, Bothelius K, Devoto A, Espie CA, Frase L, Gavriloff D, Tuuliki H, Hoflehner A, Högl B, Holzinger B, Järnefelt H, Jernelöv S, Johann AF, Lombardo C, Nissen C, Palagini L, Peeters G, Perlis ML, Posner D, Schlarb A, Spiegelhalder K, Wichniak A, Riemann. The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and dissemination of treatment.

Matre D, Nilsen KB, Katsifaraki M, Waage S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Pain complaints are associated with quick returns and insomnia among Norwegian nurses, but do not differ between shift workers and day only workers.

Fetveit A, Straand J, Bjorvatn B, Kristoffersen ES. Self-reported sleeplessness in 12,655 persons living in the north of Norway: The Tromsø Study.

Hrozanova M, Moen F, Pallesen S. Unique Predictors of Sleep Quality in Junior Athletes: The Protective Function of Mental Resilience, and the Detrimental Impact of Sex, Worry and Perceived Stress.

Lien M, Bredeli E, Sivertsen B, Kallestad H, Pallesen S, Smith ORF, Faaland P, Ritterband LM, Thorndike FP, Vedaa Ø. Short and long-term effects of unguided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia in morning and evening persons: a post-hoc analysis.

Sivertsen B, Vedaa Ø, Harvey AG, Glozier N, Pallesen S, Aarø LE, Lønning KJ, Hysing M. Sleep patterns and insomnia in young adults: A national survey of Norwegian university students.

Stormark KM, Fosse HE, Pallesen S, Hysing M. The association between sleep problems and academic performance in primary school-aged children: Findings from a Norwegian longitudinal population-based study.

Skarpsno ES, Nilsen TIL, Sand T, Hagen K, Mork PJ. The joint effect of insomnia symptoms and lifestyle factors on risk of self-reported fibromyalgia in women: longitudinal data from the HUNT Study.

Skarpsno ES, Nilsen TIL, Sand T, Hagen K, Mork PJ. Work-Related Mental Fatigue, Physical Activity and Risk of Insomnia Symptoms: Longitudinal Data from the Norwegian HUNT Study.

Solheim B, Olsen A, Kallestad H, Langsrud K, Bjorvatn B, Gradisar M, Sand T. Cognitive performance in DSWPD patients upon awakening from habitual sleep compared with forced conventional sleep.

Lehmann S, Ringbæk T, Løkke A, Grote L, Hedner J, Lindberg E. A randomized trial to determine the impact of indacaterol/glycopyrronium on nighttime oxygenation and symptoms in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD: the DuoSleep study.

Markussen H, Lehmann S, Nilsen RM, Natvig GK. Health-related quality of life as predictor for mortality in patients treated with long-term mechanical ventilation.

Øverland B, Berdal H, Akre H.Obstructive sleep apnea in 2-6 year old children referred for adenotonsillectomy.

Nordstrand SEH, Hansen BH, Rootwelt T, Karlsen TI, Swanson D, Nilsen KB, Knudsen S. Psychiatric symptoms in patients with post-H1N1 narcolepsy type 1 in Norway.

Bragantini D, Sivertsen B, Gehrman P, Lydersen S, Güzey IC. Genetic polymorphisms associated with sleep-related phenotypes; relationships with individual nocturnal symptoms of insomnia in the HUNT study.

Hysing M, Askeland KG, La Greca AM, Solberg ME, Breivik K, Sivertsen B. Bullying Involvement in Adolescence: Implications for Sleep, Mental Health, and Academic Outcomes.

Bragantini D, Sivertsen B, Gehrman P, Lydersen S, Güzey IC. Variations in circadian genes and individual nocturnal symptoms of insomnia. The HUNT study.

Thun E, Sivertsen B, Knapstad M, Smith ORF. Inravelling the Prospective Associations Between Mixed Anxiety-Depression and Insomnia During the Course of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Hysing M, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Markestad T, Elgen I, Sivertsen B. Sleep Duration and Nocturnal Awakenings in Infants Born with Gestational Risk.

Vedaa Ø, Hagatun S, Kallestad H, Pallesen S, Smith ORF, Thorndike FP, Ritterband LM, Sivertsen B. Long-Term Effects of an Unguided Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia.

Bragantini D, Sivertsen B, Gehrman P, Lydersen S, Güzey IC. Differences in anxiety levels among symptoms of insomnia. The HUNT study.

Pallesen S, Jacobsen DP, Nielsen MB, Gjerstad J.The 5-HTTLPR rs25531 LALA-genotype increases the risk of insomnia symptoms among shift workers.

Nordmo M, Olsen OK, Hetland J, Espevik R, Bakker AB, Pallesen S. Daily sleep quality and naval work performance: the role of leadership.

Ranum BM, Wichstrøm L, Pallesen S, Falch-Madsen J, Halse M, Steinsbekk S. Association Between Objectively Measured Sleep Duration and Symptoms of Psychiatric Disorders in Middle Childhood.

Holmedahl NH, Fjeldstad OM, Engan H, Saxvig IW, Grønli J. Validation of peripheral arterial tonometry as tool for sleep assessment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Uhlig BL, Hagen K, Engstrøm M, Stjern M, Gravdahl GB, Sand T. The relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia: a population-based cross-sectional polysomnographic study.

Romslo JE, Bjorvatn B. Trøtthet utgjør en sikkerhetsrisiko. Sykepleien.

Bjorvatn B. Prioriterer du å få nok søvn? Mediaplanet, utgitt i Dagbladet.

Bjorvatn B. Obstruktiv søvnapné. Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL). 

Bjorvatn B. Insomni. Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL). 

Bjorvatn B. Forsinket søvnfaselidelse. Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL).  

Bjorvatn B. Parasomnier. Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL). 

Engstrøm M, Aarrestad S, Eldøen G, Alme A, Bjørge T, Miljeteig H, Bjorvatn B, Knudsen S, Indrekvam S, Nilsen KB. Anbefalinger for utførelse av objektive søvnundersøkelser. SØVN 2019; nr. 1

Bjorvatn B. Hvordan ivaretar Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer sitt mandat?
SØVN 2019; nr.1: 4-5.

Bjorvatn B. Søvnapné (revidert). Fagarbeider for Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL)

Bjorvatn B. God helse gjennom bedre søvn. SØVN 2019; nr. 2: 4-5.

Pallesen S. Hvorfor gjesper vi. SØVN 2019; nr. 2

Holsten F. Søvn og bipolar lidelse. SØVN 2019; nr. 1: 32-34.

Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Thun E, Waage S. Slik påvirker skiftarbeid sykepleieres søvn og helse. Sykepleien.

Blytt KM. Søvn og smerte hos mennesker med demens – mulige løsninger for fremtiden.   SØVN 2019; Nr. 2.

Bjorvatn B. Skiftarbeid og søvn. Slik mestrer du nattarbeid og uregelmessig arbeidstid. Fagbokforlaget 2019, 174 sider. ISBN: 978-82-450-2523-1.

Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Søvnsykdommer. I: Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi. Fra barn til voksen, 7. utg. Red: Helseth, Rootwelt og Harbo. Fagbokforlaget 2019, s. 391-401. ISBN: 978-82-450-2473-9.

Romslo JE, Bjorvatn B. Ikke undervurder betydningen av en god natts søvn. Bergensavisen.


Jonassen TM, Eagan TM, Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S. Associations between obstructive lung disease and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea in a general population.

Roelen CAM, van Hoffen MFA, Waage S, Schaufeli WB, Twisk JWR, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Pallesen S. Psychosocial workenvironment and mental health-related long-term sickness absence among nurses.

Storesund A, Johansson A, Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S. Oralappliance treatment outcome can be predicted by continuous positive airwaypressure in moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Vedaa Ø, Pallesen S, Erevik EK, Svensen E, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Harris A. Long workinghours are inversely related to sick leave in the following 3 months: a 4-year registry study.

Katsifaraki M, Nilsen KB, Christensen JO, Wærsted M, Knardahl S, Bjorvatn B, Härmä M, Matre D. Sleepduration mediates abdominal and lower-extremity pain after night work in nurses.

Solheim B, Olsen A, Kallestad H, Langsrud K, Bjorvatn B, Gradisar M, Sand T.  Cognitive performance in DSWPD patients upon awakening from habitual sleep compared with forced conventional sleep.

Mildestvedt T, Herikstad VV, Undheim I, Bjorvatn B, Meland E. Factors associated with self-rated health in primary care.

Lundetræ RS, Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Aurlien H, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B. Prevalence of parasomnias in patients with obstructive sleepa pnea. A Registry-Based Cross-Sectional Study.

Stangenes KM, Hysing M, Fevang SK, Elgen IB, Halvorsen T, Markestad T, Bjorvatn B. Prenatal and Neonatal Factors Predicting Sleep Problems in Children Born Extremely Pretermor With Extremely Low Birthweight.

Andreassen CS, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Schaufeli WB. Workaholism and negative work-related incidents among nurses.

Hoven KM, Aarstad HJ, Bjorvatn B, Lundemo EH, Steinsvåg SK. Correlation between Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) and self-reported and objective nasal characteristics.

Solheim B, Langsrud K, Kallestad H, Engstrøm M, Bjorvatn B, Sand T. Sleep structure and awakening threshold in delayed sleep-wake phase disorder patients compared to healthy sleepers.

Blytt KM, Husebø B, Flo E, Bjorvatn B. Long-Term Pain Treatment Did Not Improve Sleep in Nursing Home Patients with Comorbid Dementia and Depression: A 13-Week Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.

Tveit RL, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B. Prevalence of several somatic diseases depends on the presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea.

Pallesen S, Grønli J, Myhre K, Moen F, Bjorvatn B, Hanssen I, Heglum HSA. A PilotStudy of Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband Radar Technology as a New Tool for Sleep Assessment.

Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. RestlessLegs Syndrome/Willis-Ekbom Disease Is Prevalent in Working Nurses, but Seems Not to Be Associated with Shift Work Schedules.

Krossbakken E, Torsheim T, Mentzoni RA, King DL, Bjorvatn B, Lorvik IM, Pallesen S. The effectiveness of a parental guide for prevention of problematic video gaming inchildren: A public health randomized controlled intervention study.

Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Pallesen S. The association between insomnia and bedroom habits and bedroom characteristics: an exploratory cross-sectional study of a representative sample of adults.

Buchvold HV, Pallesen S, Waage S, Bjorvatn B. Shift workschedule and night work load: Effects on body mass index - a four-year longitudinal study.

Blytt KM, Bjorvatn B, Husebø B, Flo E. Effects of pain treatment on sleep in nursing home patients with dementia and depression:A multicenter placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial.

Bjorvatn B, Rajakulendren N, Lehmann S, Pallesen S. Increased severity of obstructive sleep apnea is associated with less anxiety and depression.

Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Waage S, Kristoffersen ES. Migraine,tension-type headache and medication-overuse headache in a large population of shift working nurses: a cross-sectional study in Norway.

Bjorvatn B, Berge T, Lehmann S, Pallesen S, Saxvig IW. No Effect of a Self-Help Book for Insomnia in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Comorbid Chronic Insomnia - A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Saxvig IW, Johnsen EH, Marszalek MA, Wiig Andersen MI, Sætre VK, Lundervold AJ, Vedaa Ø, Nordhus IH, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Patients with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder show poorer executive functions compared to good sleepers.

Andreassen CS, Pallesen S, Torsheim T. Workaholism as a Mediator between Work-Related Stressors and Health Outcomes.

Hagatun S, Vedaa Ø, Harvey AG, Nordgreen T, Smith ORF, Pallesen S, Havik OE, Thorndike FP, Ritterband LM, Sivertsen B. Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia and comorbid symptoms.

Hysing M, Harvey AG, Stormark KM, Pallesen S, Sivertsen B. Precursors of delayed sleep phase in adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study.

Kallestad H, Vedaa Ø, Scott J, Morken G, Pallesen S, Harvey AG, Gehrman P, Thorndike F, Ritterband L, Stiles TC, Sivertsen B. Overcoming insomnia: protocol for a large-scale randomised controlled trial of online cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia compared with online patient education about sleep.

Nielsen MB, Pallesen S, Harris A, Einarsen SV. Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of research on the associations between workplace bullying and sleep.

Nordmo M, Olsen OK, Rosseland R, Blågestad TF, Pallesen S. A Brief Report on a Reduced Preference for Passive-Avoidant Leadership After a Restless Night.

Rosseland R, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Matre D, Blågestad T. Effects of Sleep Fragmentation and Induced Mood on Pain Tolerance and Pain Sensitivity in Young Healthy Adults.

Sivertsen B, Vedaa Ø, Harvey AG, Glozier N, Pallesen S, Aarø LE, Lønning KJ, Hysing M. Sleeppatterns and insomnia in young adults: A national survey of Norwegian universitystudents.

Markussen H, Lehmann S, Nilsen RM, Natvig GK. Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life among individuals treated with long-term mechanical ventilation, a 6-year follow-up study.

Porsbjerg C, Ulrik C, Skjold T, Backer V, Laerum B, Lehman S, Janson C, Sandstrøm T, Bjermer L, Dahlen B, Lundbäck B, Ludviksdottir D, Björnsdóttir U, Altraja A, Lehtimäki L, Kauppi P, Karjalainen J, Kankaanranta H. Nordic consensus statement on the systematic assessment and management of possible severe asthma in adults.

Schilbred Eriksen E, Gulati S, Moen K, Wisth PJ, Løes S. Apnea-HypopneaIndex in Healthy Class III Patients Treated With Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Skarpsno ES, Nilsen TIL, Sand T, Hagen K, Mork PJ. Do physical activity and body mass index modify the association between chronicmusculoskeletal pain and insomnia? Longitudinal data from the HUNT study,Norway.

Skarpsno ES, Nilsen TIL, Sand T, Hagen K, Mork PJ. Physicalwork exposure, chronic musculoskeletal pain and risk of insomnia: longitudinal data from the HUNT study, Norway.

Blytt KM, Selbæk G, Drageset J, Natvig GK, Husebø BS. Comorbid Dementia and Cancer in Residents of Nursing Homes: Secondary Analyses of a Cross-Sectional Study.

Gjerstad MD, Alves G, Maple-Grødem J. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and REM Sleep Behavior Disorders in Parkinson's Disease:  ANarrative Review on Early Intervention With Implications to Neuroprotection.

Lallukka T, Sivertsen B, Kronholm E, Bin YS, Øverland S, Glozier N. Association of sleep duration and sleep quality with the physical, social, and emotional functioning among Australian adults.

Uhlig BL, Hagen K, Engstrøm M, Stjern M, Gravdahl GB, Sand T. The relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia: a population-basedcross-sectional polysomnographic study.

Uhlig BL, Sand T, Nilsen TI, Mork PJ, Hagen K. Insomnia and risk of chronic musculoskeletal complaints: longitudinal data from the HUNTstudy, Norway.

Publikasjoner på norsk

Bjorvatn B. Femårsevaluering av nasjonale kompetansetjenester. SØVN 2018; nr. 1: 4.

Berge T, Brøgger J, Tveit H, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B. Anbefaling for håndtering av helsekrav til førerkort for pasienter som utredes for søvnsykdommer. SØVN 2018; nr. 1

Bjorvatn B. Søvnapné (revidert). Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL).

Waage S, Moen BE, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Ti år med SUSSH: Skiftarbeid, søvn og helse blant norske sykepleiere. Sykepleien.

Bjorvatn B. Hvorfor prioriterer ikke du og jeg, og samfunnet for øvrig, søvn? SØVN 2018; nr.2: 4.

Lundetræ RS, Bjorvatn B. Kartlegging av søvnvaner hos norske ungdommer. SØVN 2018; nr. 2

Engstrøm M, Aarrestad S, Eldøen G, Alme A, Bjørge T, Miljeteig H, Bjorvatn B, Knudsen S, Indrekvam S, Nilsen KB. Nye anbefalinger for objektiv undersøkelse av søvn og søvnforstyrrelser. Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforeningen.

Nilsen KB, Aarrestad S, Eldøen G, Alme A, Bjørge T, Miljeteig H, Bjorvatn B, Knudsen S, Indrekvam S, Engstrøm M. Anbefaling for bruk og tolkning av objektive registreringer ved diagnostikk av søvnsykdommer. Norsk forening for søvnmedisin

Johansson A, Bjorvatn B, Saxegaard E, Gjerde K, Berge ME, Lehmann S, Opsahl UL. Stor interesse for odontologisk søvnmedisin og søvnapné i Norge. Norsk tannlegeforenings tidende.

Bjorvatn B. Sover vi annerledes i dag enn i “gode gamle” dager? SØVN 2018; nr. 1

Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Waage S, Holsten F, Pallesen S. Nasjonal anbefaling for utredning og behandling av insomni. SØVN 2018; nr. 1

Opsahl UL, Johansson A, Berge M, Opsahl P, Lehmann S. Akustisk pharyngometri for bedre resultat av behandling med søvnapnéskinner. Norsk tannlegeforenings tidende.

Fiske E. Lyslaboratorium gir nye moglegheiter. SØVN 2018; nr. 1: 18.

Fiske E, Waage S. Sommartid – nyttig, eller har det utspelt si rolle? SØVN 2018; nr. 1: 22-27.

Bjorvatn B, Straand J, Halvorsen P, Wensaas K-A, Bellika JG, Fors EA, Gjelstad S, Kristoffersen ES, Øxnevad-Gundersen B, Rørtveit G. PraksisNett – et nettverk av fastlegepraksiser. En storsatsing på forskning i allmennpraksis. Utposten 2018; nr 4: 40-43.

Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S, Tveit RL. Alvorlighetsgraden av obstruktiv søvnapné henger sammen med høyere forekomst av en rekke somatiske lidelser. Best Practice Lungemedisin 2018; 8: 19-21.

Bjorvatn B, Posserud M-B, Haavik J. Voksne med ADHD sliter med mye søvnproblemer – får pasientene adekvat utredning og behandling?  Best Practice 2018 nr 33: 10-12.


Bjorvatn B, Mrdalj J, Saxvig IW, Aasnæs T, Pallesen S, Waage S. Age and sex differences in bedroom habits and bedroom preferences.

Vedaa Ø, Pallesen S, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Erevik E, Svensen E, Harris A. Short rest between shift intervals increases the risk of sick leave: a prospective registry study.

Vedaa Ø, Mørland E, Larsen M, Harris A, Erevik E, Sivertsen B, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Pallesen S. Sleep Detriments Associated With Quick Returns in Rotating Shift Work: A Diary Study.

Harris A, Gundersen H, Andreassen PM, Thun E, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. A Comparative Study of Sleep and Mood Between Young Elite Athletes and Age-Matched Controls.

Waage S, Bjorvatn B. Health, psychosocial and workplace characteristics may identify nurses and midwives at risk of high absenteeism.

Bjorvatn B, Brevik EJ, Lundervold AJ, Halmøy A, Posserud MB, Instanes JT, Haavik J. Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Report High Symptom Levels of Troubled Sleep, Restless Legs, and Cataplexy.

Andreassen CS, Bakker AB, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Shimazu A, Hetland J, Pallesen S. Working Conditions and Individual Differences Are Weakly Associated with Workaholism: A 2-3-Year Prospective Study of Shift-Working Nurses.

Roelen CAM, van Hoffen MFA, Waage S, Schaufeli WB, Twisk JWR, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Pallesen S. Psychosocial work environment and mental health-related long-term sickness absence among nurses.

Steine IM, Winje D, Skogen JC, Krystal JH, Milde AM, Bjorvatn B, Nordhus IH, Grønli J, Pallesen S. Posttraumatic symptom profiles among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A longitudinal study.

Bjorvatn B, Rajakulendren N, Lehmann S, Pallesen S. Increased severity of obstructive sleep apnea is associated with less anxiety and depression.

Blytt KM, Bjorvatn B, Husebø B, Flo E. Effects of pain treatment on sleep in nursing home patients with dementia and depression: A multicenter placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial.

Grønli J, Meerlo P, Pedersen TT, Pallesen S, Skrede S, Marti AR, Wisor JP, Murison R, Henriksen TE, Rempe MJ, Mrdalj J. A Rodent Model of Night-Shift Work Induces Short-Term and Enduring Sleep and Electroencephalographic Disturbances.

Grønli J, Melinder A, Ousdal OT, Pallesen S, Endestad T, Milde AM. Life Threat and Sleep Disturbances in Adolescents: A Two-Year Follow-Up of Survivors From the 2011 Utøya, Norway, Terror Attack.

Marti AR, Patil S, Mrdalj J, Meerlo P, Skrede S, Pallesen S, Pedersen TT, Bramham CR, Grønli J. No Escaping the Rat Race: Simulated Night Shift Work Alters the Time-of-Day Variation in BMAL1 Translational Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex.

Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Pallesen S, Hysing M. Trajectories of sleep problems from childhood to adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study from Norway.

Lallukka T, Sivertsen B. Sleep improvement by internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy might help prevent mental health disorders.

Hayley AC, Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Vedaa Ø, Øverland S. Sleep difficulties and academic performance in Norwegian higher education students.

Ystrøm E, Hysing M, Torgersen L, Ystrøm H, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Sivertsen B. Maternal Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression and Child Nocturnal Awakenings at 6 and 18 Months.

Lallukka T, Halonen JI, Sivertsen B, Pentti J, Stenholm S, Virtanen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Elovainio M, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Change in organizational justice as a predictor of insomnia symptoms: longitudinal study analysing observational data as a non-randomized pseudo-trial.

Sivertsen B, Bøe T, Skogen JC, Petrie KJ, Hysing M. Moving into poverty during childhood is associated with later sleep problems.

Glozier N, Moullaali TJ, Sivertsen B, Kim D, Mead G, Jan S, Li Q, Hackett ML.The Course and Impact of Poststroke Insomnia in Stroke Survivors Aged 18 to 65 Years: Results from the Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE (POISE) Study

Hayley AC, Downey LA, Stough C, Sivertsen B, Knapstad M, Øverland S. Social and emotional loneliness and self-reported difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep (DIMS) in a sample of Norwegian university students.

Hysing M, Petrie KJ, Bøe T, Lallukka T, Sivertsen B. The social gradient of sleep in adolescence: results from the youth@hordaland survey.

Sivertsen B, Petrie KJ, Skogen JC, Hysing M, Eberhard-Gran M. Insomnia before and after childbirth: The risk of developing postpartum pain-A longitudinal population-based study.

Markussen H, Lehmann S, Nilsen RM, Natvig GK. Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life among individuals treated with long-term mechanical ventilation, a 6-year follow-up study.

Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Naterstad IF, Berge ME, Johansson A. Reliability of an adherence monitoring sensor embedded in an oral appliance used for treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea.

Tholfsen LK, Larsen JP, Schulz J, Tysnes OB, Gjerstad MD. Changes in insomnia subtypes in early Parkinson disease.

Chwiszczuk L, Breitve MH, Brønnick K, Gjerstad MD, Hynninen M, Aarsland D, Rongve A. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Is Not Associated with a More Rapid Cognitive Decline in Mild Dementia.

Pallesen S, Gundersen HS, Kristoffersen M, Bjorvatn B, Thun E, Harris A. The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Soccer Skills.

Riemann D, Baglioni C, Bassetti C, Bjorvatn B, Dolenc Groselj L, Ellis JG, Espie CA, Garcia-Borreguero D, Gjerstad M, Gonçalves M, Hertenstein E, Jansson-Fröjmark M, Jennum PJ, Leger D, Nissen C, Parrino L, Paunio T, Pevernagie D, Verbraecken J, Weeß HG, Wichniak A, Zavalko I, Arnardottir ES, Deleanu OC, Strazisar B, Zoetmulder M, Spiegelhalder K.European guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia.

Stangenes KM, Fevang SK, Grundt J, Donkor HM, Markestad T, Hysing M, Elgen IB, Bjorvatn B. Children born extremely preterm had different sleeping habits at 11 years of age and more childhood sleep problems than term-born children.

Brevik EJ, Lundervold AJ, Halmøy A, Posserud MB, Instanes JT, Bjorvatn B, Haavik J. Prevalence and clinical correlates of insomnia in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Blytt KM, Bjorvatn B, Husebo B, Flo E. Clinically significant discrepancies between sleep problems assessed by standard clinical tools and actigraphy.

Storesund A, Johansson A, Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S. Oral appliance treatment outcome can be predicted by continuous positive airway pressure in moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Hagatun S, Vedaa Ø, Nordgreen T, Smith ORF, Pallesen S, Havik OE, Bjorvatn B, Thorndike FP, Ritterband LM, Sivertsen B. The Short-Term Efficacy of an Unguided Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial With a Six-Month Nonrandomized Follow-Up.

Ystrøm H, Nilsen W, Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Ystrøm E. Sleep problems in preschoolers and maternal depressive symptoms: An evaluation of mother- and child-driven effects.

Flo E, Bjorvatn B, Corbett A, Pallesen S, Husebø BS. Joint Occurrence of Pain and Sleep Disturbances in People with Dementia. A Systematic Review.

Bjorvatn B, Meland E, Flo E, Mildestvedt T. High prevalence of insomnia and hypnotic use in patients visiting their general practitioner.

Steine IM, Winje D, Krystal JH, Bjorvatn B, Milde AM, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Pallesen S. Cumulative childhood maltreatment and its dose-response relation with adult symptomatology: Findings in a sample of adult survivors of sexual abuse.

Reknes I, Notelaers G, Magerøy N, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Einarsen S.
Aggression from Patients or Next of Kin and Exposure to Bullying Behaviors: A Conglomerate Experience?

Thun E, Pallesen S, Waage S, Reknes I, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Skiftarbeid, søvn og helse blant sykepleiere. Sykepleien.

Bjorvatn B. Insomni – hva bør du vite? Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift

Bjorvatn B. T5.2.2 Insomni. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell.

Bjorvatn B. Hva er formålet med kompetansetjenestene? SØVN 2017; nr. 2: 4

Bjorvatn B. Melatonin mot søvnproblemer. SØVN 2017; nr. 1; 4

Wilson T, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn. Kartlegging av søvnkunnskaper hos leger, psykologer og annet helsepersonell ved hjelp av Dartmouth Sleep Knowledge Survey. SØVN 2017 nr. 1; 8-13

Pallesen S. Påvirker månen søvnen? SØVN 2017; nr. 1; 34-35

Waage S. Norges trøtteste konferanse? ZZZ.2016 om ungdom og søvn. SØVN 2017; nr. 1; 28-29

Mrdalj J. Søvnrelatert bruksisme og søvnapné. SØVN. 2017; nr. 1; 36-37

Fiske E. Intervju med Tone Elise Gjøtterud Henriksen. SØVN 2017; nr.2; 16-18.

Fiske E, Waage S, Aasnæs T, Bjorvatn B. Lys til vintertrøtte i Helse Bergen. SØVN 2017; nr. 2; 8-12.

Axelsson J, Bjorvatn B, Kecklund G. Sømn ock fysisk aktivitet. FYSS 2017. Fysisk aktivitet i sjukdomsprevention och sjukdomsbehandling.  Yrkesföreningar för Fysisk Aktivitet. ISBN 9789172572355


Vedaa Ø, Harris A, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Sivertsen B, Tucker P, Pallesen S. Systematic review of the relationship between quick returns in rotating shift work and health-related outcomes.

Blågestad T, Nordhus IH, Grønli J, Engesæter LB, Ruths S, Ranhoff AH, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Prescription trajectories and effect of total hip arthroplasty on the use of analgesics, hypnotics, antidepressants, and anxiolytics: results from a population of total hip arthroplasty patients.

Amofah HA, Broström A, Fridlund B, Bjorvatn B, Haaverstad R, Hufthammer KO, Kuiper KK, Ranhoff AH, Norekvål TM. Sleep in octogenarians during the postoperative phase after transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement.

Thun E, Bjorvatn B, Åkerstedt T, Moen BE, Waage S, Molde H, Pallesen S. Trajectories of sleepiness and insomnia symptoms in Norwegian nurses with and without night work and rotational work.

Lerdal A, Slåtten K, Saghaug E, Grov EK, Normann AP, Lee KA, Bjorvatn B, Gay CL. Sleep among bereaved caregivers of patients admitted to hospice: a 1-year longitudinal pilot study.

Vedaa Ø, Krossbakken E, Grimsrud ID, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Magerøy N, Einarsen S, Pallesen S. Prospective study of predictors and consequences of insomnia: personality, lifestyle, mental health, and work-related stressors.

Dørheim Sk, Garthus-Niegel S, Bjorvatn B, Eberhard-Gran M. Personality and Perinatal Maternal Insomnia: A Study Across Childbirth.

Saksvik-Lehouillier I, Bjorvatn B, Magerøy N, Pallesen S. Hardiness, psychosocial factors and shift work tolerance among nurses - a 2-year follow-up study.

Grønli J, Byrkjedal IK, Bjorvatn B, Nødtvedt Ø, Hamre B, Pallesen S. Reading from an iPad or from a book in bed: the impact on human sleep. A randomized controlled crossover trial.

Reknes I, Einarsen S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Magerøy N. Exposure to bullying behaviors at work and subsequent symptoms of anxiety: the moderating role of individual coping style.

Vedaa Ø, Pallesen S, Waage S, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B, Erevik E, Svensen E, Harris A. Short rest between shift intervals increases the risk of sick leave: a prospective registry study.

Bjorvatn B, Meland E, Flo E, Mildestvedt T. High prevalence of insomnia and hypnotic use in patients visiting their general practitioner.

Flo E, Bjorvatn B, Corbett A, Pallesenc S, Husebø BS. Joint occurrence of pain and sleep disturbances in people with dementia. A systematic review.

Jonassen TM, Eagan TM, Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S. Associations between obstructive lung disease and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea in a general population.

Lallukka T, Podlipskyte A, Sivertsen B, Andruškiene J, Varoneckas G, Lahelma E, Ursin R, Tell GS, Rahkonen O. Insomnia symptoms and mortality: a register-linked study among women and men from Finland, Norway and Lithuania.

Hayley AC, Downey LA, Stough C, Sivertsen B, Knapstad M, Øverland S. Social and emotional loneliness and self-reported difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep (DIMS) in a sample of Norwegian university students.

Hysing M, Petrie KJ, Bøe T, Lallukka T, Sivertsen B. The social gradient of sleep in adolescence: results from the youth@hordaland survey.

Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Pallesen S, Hysing M. Trajectories of sleep problems from childhood to adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study from Norway.

Rognmo K, Sivertsen B, Eberhard-Gran M. Self-reported short sleep duration and insomnia symptoms as predictors of post-pregnancy weight change: Results from a cohort study.

Madsen IE, Larsen AD, Thorsen SV, Pejtersen JH, Rugulies R, Sivertsen B. Joint association of sleep problems and psychosocial working conditions with registered long-term sickness absence. A Danish cohort study.

Hysing M, Harvey AG, Linton SJ, Askeland KG, Sivertsen B. Sleep and academic performance in later adolescence: results from a large population-based study.

Hysing M, Lundervold AJ, Posserud MB, Sivertsen B. Association Between Sleep Problems and Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescence: Results From a Large Population-Based Study.

Hysing M, Sivertsen B, Garthus-Niegel S, Eberhard-Gran M. Pediatric sleep problems and social-emotional problems. A population-based study.

Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Berge ME, Johansson AK, Johansson A. Oral appliance treatment in moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnoea patients non-adherent to CPAP.

Gabrielsen AM, Omland T, Brokner M, Fredheim JM, Jordan J, Lehmann S, Lund MB, Hjelmesæth J, Hofsø D. The effect of surgical and non-surgical weight loss on N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and its relation to obstructive sleep apnea and pulmonary function.

Grønli J, Meerlo P, Pedersen TT, Pallesen S, Skrede S, Marti AR, Wisor JP, Murison R, Henriksen TE, Rempe MJ, Mrdalj J. A Rodent Model of Night-Shift Work Induces Short-Term and Enduring Sleep and Electroencephalographic Disturbances.

Marti AR, Meerlo P, Grønli J, van Hasselt SJ, Mrdalj J, Pallesen S, Pedersen TT, Henriksen TE, Skrede S. Shift in Food Intake and Changes in Metabolic Regulation and Gene Expression during Simulated Night-Shift Work: A Rat Model.

Tholfsen LK, Larsen JP, Schulz J, Tysnes OB, Gjerstad MD. Changes in insomnia subtypes in early Parkinson disease.

Chwiszczuk L, Breitve M, Hynninen M, Gjerstad MD, Aarsland D, Rongve A. Higher Frequency and Complexity of Sleep Disturbances in Dementia with Lewy Bodies as Compared to Alzheimer's Disease.

Arnardottir ES, Verbraecken J, Gonçalves M, Gjerstad MD, Grote L, Puertas FJ, Mihaicuta S, McNicholas WT, Parrino L. Variability in recording and scoring of respiratory events during sleep in Europe: a need for uniform standards.

Mrdalj J, Murison R, Soulé J, Kinn Rød AM, Milde AM, Pallesen S, Grønli J. Mild daily stressors in adulthood may counteract behavioural effects after constant presence of mother during early life.

Pallesen S, Grønli J. The impact of e-reading on sleep.

Sunde E, Bratveit M, Pallesen S, Moen BE. Noise and sleep on board vessels in the Royal Norwegian Navy.

Samsonsen C, Sand T, Bråthen G, Helde G, Brodtkorb E. The impact of sleep loss on the facilitation of seizures: A prospective case-crossover study.

Krane-Gartiser K, Steinan MK, Langsrud K, Vestvik V, Sand T, Fasmer OB, Kallestad H, Morken G. Mood and motor activity in euthymic bipolar disorder with sleep disturbance.


Bjorvatn B. Hva er normal søvnlengde? SØVN 2016; nr. 2; 4

Thun E, Waage S.  Skiftarbeid og helse. SØVN. 2016; nr. 2;18-23

Waage S. Stor skiftarbeidsaktivitet i Norge. SØVN. 2016; nr.2; 24-25

Fiske E. Søvn og smerte. Nytt nasjonalt nettverk. SØVN 2016; nr. 1; 31-33

Aasnæs T. Insomnibehandling under lupen. SØVN 2016; nr. 2; 32

Ursin R. Fiske E (red). Hvordan begynte det? En historie om søvnforskningen i Norge. SØVN 2016; nr. 2; 33-37

Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B, Rakner K. Søvnrelatert rettsmedisin – straffbare handlinger begått i søvne. Tidsskrift for strafferett

Bjorvatn B. Hvorfor sliter ungdom med å stå opp om morgenen? Kronikk, Aftenposten.

Bjorvatn B. Subjektive og objektive søvnsykdommer. SØVN 2016; nr. 1; 4

Saxvig IW, Lehmann S, Fiske E, Bjorvatn B. Register for søvnforstyrrelser. SØVN 2016; nr. 1; 28-31

Bjorvatn B. Medikamentell behandling av insomni blant voksne. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift

Mrdalj J. Hva skjer med søvn hos ungdom og hvordan kan vi lære dem at søvn er viktig? SØVN 2016; nr. 1; 18-22

Bjorvatn B.T5.2 Søvnvansker.I: Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell

Bjorvatn B.T19.6 Restless legs.I: Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell

Bjorvatn B. T19.7 Leggkramper. I: Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell

Waage S, Thun E, Reknes I, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Nattarbeid påvirker ikke menstruasjonen. Sykepleien

Steine IM, Winje D, Nordhus IH, Milde AM, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J, Pallesen S. Langvarig taushet om seksuelle overgrep: Prediktorer og korrelater hos voksne som opplevde seksuelle overgrep som barn. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

Bjorvatn B. Søvnproblemer blant ungdommer. Tidsskrift for helsesøstre/Sykepleien

Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J. Behandling av mareritt. En oversikt over randomiserte behandlingsstudier. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Søvnlidelser. I: Psykiske lidelser Red: Hagen og Kennair. Gyldendal Akademisk, 2016, 198-219. ISBN/EAN: 9788205490260

Bjorvatn B. Ungdomssøvn. Utredning og behandling av forstyrret døgnrytme og andre søvnlidelser. Gyldendal Akademisk forlag 2016. 185 sider. ISBN/EAN: 9788205489837

Bjorvatn B. Søvn og søvnforstyrrelser. I: Aktuell nordisk odontologi. Universitetsforlaget, 2016: 112-125.

Bjorvatn B. Søvnforstyrrelser. Behandlingsprogramstekst på 2016


Thun E, Bjorvatn B, Flo E, Harris A, Pallesen S. Sleep, circadian rhythms, and athletic performance.

Saksvik-Lehouillier I, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Magerøy N, Folkard S. Towards a more comprehensive definition of shift work tolerance.

Bercea RM, Mihaescu T, Cojocaru C, Bjorvatn B. Fatigue and serum testosterone in obstructive sleep apnea patients.

Berthelsen M, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Knardahl S. Shift schedules, work factors, and mental health among onshore and offshore workers in the Norwegian petroleum industry.

Bjorvatn B, Lehmann S, Gulati S, Aurlien H, Pallesen S, Saxvig IW. Prevalence of excessive sleepiness is higher whereas insomnia is lower with greater severity of obstructive sleep apnea.

Moen BE, Baste V, Morken T, Alsaker K, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Menstrual characteristics and night work among nurses.

Berthelsen M, Pallesen S, Magerøy N, Tyssen R, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Knardahl S. Effects of Psychological and Social Factors in Shiftwork on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Nurses: A 1-Year Follow-Up.

Vedaa Ø, Harris A, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Sivertsen B, Tucker P, Pallesen S. Systematic review of the relationship between quick returns in rotating shift work and health-related outcomes.

Amofah HA, Broström A, Fridlund B, Bjorvatn B, Haaverstad R, Hufthammer KO, Kuiper KK, Ranhoff AH, Norekvål TM. Sleep in octogenarians during the postoperative phase after transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement.

Blågestad T, Nordhus IH, Grønli J, Engesæter LB, Ruths S, Ranhoff AH, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Prescription trajectories and effect of total hip arthroplasty on the use of analgesics, hypnotics, antidepressants, and anxiolytics: results from a population of total hip arthroplasty patients.

Buchvold HV, Pallesen S, Øyane NM, Bjorvatn B. Associations between night work and BMI, alcohol, smoking, caffeine and exercise. A cross-sectional study.

Bjorvatn B, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Pallesen S, Waage S. Parasomnias are more frequent in shift workers than in day workers.

Chwiszczuk L, Breitve M, Hynninen M, Gjerstad MD, Aarsland D, Rongve A. Higher Frequency and Complexity of Sleep Disturbances in Dementia with Lewy Bodies as Compared to Alzheimer's Disease.

Arnardottir ES, Verbraecken J, Gonçalves M, Gjerstad MD, Grote L, Puertas FJ, Mihaicuta S, McNicholas WT, Parrino L. Variability in recording and scoring of respiratory events during sleep in Europe: a need for uniform standards.

Tholfsen LK, Larsen JP, Schulz J, Tysnes OB, Gjerstad MD. Development of excessive daytime sleepiness in early Parkinson disease.

Lilleeng B, Gjerstad M, Baardsen R, Dalen I, Larsen JP. The long-term development of non-motor problems after STN-DBS.

Hysing M, Pallesen S, Stormark KM, Jakobsen R, Lundervold AJ, Sivertsen B. Sleep and use of electronic devices in adolescence: results from a large population-based study.

Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Pallesen S, Hysing M. Mental health problems in adolescents with delayed sleep phase: results from a large population-based study in Norway.

Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Berge ME, Johansson AK, Johansson A. Oral appliance treatment in moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnoea patients non-adherent to CPAP.

Gjerstad MD. Noe nytt om RLS? Diagnostiske kriterier og behandlingsanbefaling ved rastløse ben. En oppdatering. SØVN 2015; nr. 2. 24-26

Bjorvatn B. Ny diagnosemanual for søvnsykdommer og forslag til ny førerkortforskrift med endring i helsekravene. SØVN 2015; nr. 1. 4

Bjorvatn B. Insomni. Nye diagnostiske kriterier. SØVN 2015; nr. 1. 24-27

Waage S, Thun E, Reknes I, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. For få timer mellom vaktene påvirker søvn og helse. Sykepleien 2015; nr. 10: 58-60

Bjorvatn B, Fiske E, Pallesen S. Selvhjelpsbok er bedre enn søvnhygieneråd mot insomni. En randomisert kontrollert sammenliknende undersøkelse. SØVN 2015; nr. 2. 15-19

Bjorvatn B. Forskning, formidling og kompetansespredning i regi av Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer (SOVno). SØVN 2015; nr. 2. 4

Fiske E. Sjølvhjelpsmedium i behandling av insomni. SØVN 2015; nr. 2. 13

Pallesen S. Endrete diagnosekriterier for døgnrytmeforstyrrelser. SØVN 2015; nr. 2. 27-29

Lehmann S, Fløtten Ø. Lærebok i ny utgave - fremdeles førstevalg. Tidsskrift den Norske Legeforening

Waage S. Ny spennende behandlingsmetode for søvnapné - Hypoglossusstimulering. Søvn 2015 nr. 1. 14-15


Kunst JR, Løset GK, Hosøy D, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Pallesen S. The relationship between shift work schedules and spillover in a sample of nurses.

Saxvig IW, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Pallesen S, Vedaa Ø, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B. A randomized controlled trial with bright light and melatonin for delayed sleep phase disorder: effects on subjective and objective sleep.

Fossum IN, Nordnes LT, Storemark SS, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. The association between use of electronic media in bed before going to sleep and insomnia symptoms, daytime sleepiness, morningness, and chronotype.

Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Vedaa Ø, Sørensen E, Bjorvatn B. The personality profile of young adults with delayed sleep phase disorder.

Reknes I, Pallesen S, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B, Einarsen S. Exposure to bullying behaviors as a predictor of mental health problems among Norwegian nurses: results from the prospective SUSSH-survey.

Mrdalj J, Madsen ÅL, Murison R, Konow JF, Milde AM, Pallesen S, Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J. Hypothermia after chronic mild stress exposure in rats with a history of postnatal maternal separations.

Lallukka T, Øverland S, Haaramo P, Saastamoinen P, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B. The joint contribution of pain and insomnia to sickness absence and disability retirement: a register-linkage study among Norwegian and Finnish employees.

Roelen C, van Rhenen W, Schaufeli W, van der Klink J, Magerøy N, Moen B, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Mental and physical health-related functioning mediates between psychological job demands and sickness absence among nurses.

Pallesen S, Sivertsen B, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B. A 10-year trend of insomnia prevalence in the adult Norwegian population.

Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S, Grønli J, Sivertsen B, Lehmann S. Prevalence and correlates of insomnia and excessive sleepiness in adults with obstructive sleep apnea symptoms.

Henriksen TEG, Skrede S, Fasmer OB, Hamre B, Grønli J, Lund A. Blocking blue light during mania - markedly increased regularity of sleep and rapid improvement of symptoms: a case report.

Kinn AMR, Murison R, Mrdalj J, Milde AM, Jellestad FK, Øvernes LA, Grønli J. Effects of social defeat on sleep and behaviour: importance of the confrontational behaviour.

Dørheim Signe K, Bjorvatn Bjørn, Eberhard-Gran Malin. Can insomnia in pregnancy predict postpartum depression? A longitudinal, population-based study.

Markussen H, Lehmann S, Nilsen RM, Natvig GK. The Norwegian version of the Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire.

Bercea RM, Mihaescu T, Cojocaru C, Bjorvatn B. Fatigue and serum testosterone in obstructive sleep apnea patients.

Flo E, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Waage S, Bjorvatn B. Short rest periods between work shifts predict sleep and health problems in nurses at 1-year follow-up.

Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Magerøy s, Flo E, Di Milia L, Bjorvatn B. Predictors of shift work disorder among nurses: a longitudinal study.

Solheim B, Langsrud K, Kallestad H, Olsen A, Bjorvatn B, Sand T. Difficult morning awakening from rapid eye movement sleep and impaired cognitive function in delayed sleep phase disorder patients.

Dørheim SK, Garthus-Niegel S, Bjorvatn B, Eberhard-Gran M. Personality and Perinatal Maternal Insomnia: A Study Across Childbirth.

Sivertsen B, Pallesen S, Glozier N, Bjorvatn B, Salo P, Tell GS, Ursin R, Øverland S. Midlife insomnia and subsequent mortality: the Hordaland health study.

Saksvik-Lehouillier I, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Magerøy N, Folkard S. Towards a more comprehensive definition of shift work tolerance.

Hansen AL, Dahl L, Olson G, Thornton D, Graff IE, Frøyland L, Thayer JF, Pallesen S. Fish consumption, sleep, daily functioning, and heart rate variability.

Roelen CA, Heymans MW, Twisk JW, Laaksonen M, Pallesen S, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Health measures in prediction models for high sickness absence: single-item self-rated health versus multi-item SF-12.

Sivertsen B, Harvey AG, Pallesen S, Hysing M. Mental health problems in adolescents with delayed sleep phase: results from a large population-based study in Norway.

Sivertsen B, Lallukka T, Salo P, Pallesen S, Hysing M, Krokstad S, Øverland S. Insomnia as a risk factor for ill health: results from the large population-based prospective HUNT Study in Norway.

Sivertsen B, Pallesen S, Sand L, Hysing M. Sleep and body mass index in adolescence: results from a large population-based study of Norwegian adolescents aged 16 to 19 years.

Lilleeng B, Gjerstad M, Baardsen R, Dalen I, Larsen JP. Motor symptoms after deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus.

Einvik G, Dammen T, Namtvedt SK, Hrubos-Strøm H, Randby A, Kristiansen HA, Nordhus IH, Somers VK, Omland T. Type D personality is associated with increased prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias in community-residing persons without coronary heart disease.

Johansson A, Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Al-azawy K, Gulati S, Berge Morten E. Skinnebehandling mot søvnapné.  Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening

Bjorvatn B, Løge I. Narkolepsi (revidert). Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL),

Bjorvatn B. Søvnproblemer blant ungdom. Innsikt, Bergens Tidende

Reknes I, Bjorvatn B, Einarsen S, Pallesen S, Magerøy N, Thun E, Moen BE. Nye funn: Nattarbeid, roterende turnusarbeid og mindre enn 11 timer mellom skift er spesielt problematiske for søvnen.

Bjorvatn B. Hvor mye søvn trenger vi? SØVN 2014; nr. 1. 18-19

Bjorvatn B. Viktige oppgaver for Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer. SØVN 2014; nr. 1. 4

Haugland H, Bjorvatn B. Utlevering av hypnotika i Norge fra 2005 til 2011. SØVN 2014; nr. 1. 14-17

Johansson A, Gjerde K, Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Al-Azawy K, Gulati S, Berge ME. Skinnebehandling mot søvnapne. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende 2014; 124: 637-639. Gjengitt fra Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforening.

Bjorvatn B. Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer (SOVno) feirer 10 års jubileum. SØVN 2014; nr. 2. (side 4-5)

Lien TF, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE. Skiftarbeid og sykefravær blant sykepleiere. Sykepleien Forsk 2014: 9: 350-356

Pallesen S. Søvnlengde: Normer og endringer. SØVN; 2014; nr.1. 22-25

Pallesen S, Andreassen CS, Jensen SM, Jøsendal O, Wadsworth S, Pettersen HS.  Anabole steroider – en oversikt. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

Saxvig IW. Sosial jetlag hos ungdom. SØVN 2014; nr. 1. 20-21

Grønli J og Saxvig IW. Søvnens hemmeligheter. Naturen

Grønli J og Østerfeldt Henriksen V. Behandling av søvnapné. Veien kan være rett, eller rett og slett kronglete. SØVN 2014; nr. 2. 20-23

Grønli J. Den gode, restituerende søvnen. SØVN 2014; nr. 1. 10-13

Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Søvnsykdommer. I: Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi fra barn til voksen. Red: Gjerstad, Helseth, Rootwelt. Forlaget Vett & Viten, 2014, 417-436.

Krohn-Hansen L og Grønli J. Bedre søvn for mindre nakkesmerter I boken ‘Frisk nakke. Sterk, Avslappet og smertefri’. Frisk Forlag, 2014. Anders Aasen Berget og Lennart Krohn-Hansen (redaktører), ISBN 978-82-998851-7-1


Lunde H M B, Bjorvatn B, Myhr K-M, Bø L. Clinical assessment and management of sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis: a literature review.

Heier MS, Gjerstad MD, Knudsen S. [New knowledge about narcolepsy in children].

Roelen CAM, Magerøy N, van Rhenen W, Groothoff JW, van der Klink JJL, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE. Low job satisfaction does not identify nurses at risk of future sickness absence: results from a Norwegian cohort study.

Saksvik-Lehouillier I, Bjorvatn B, Hetland H, Sandal GM, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Akerstedt T, Pallesen S. Individual, situational and lifestyle factors related to shift work tolerance among nurses who are new to and experienced in night work.

Sivertsen B, Björnsdóttir E, Øverland S, Bjorvatn B, Salo P. The joint contribution of insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea on sickness absence.

Dørheim S K, Bjorvatn B, Eberhard-Gran M. Sick leave during pregnancy: a longitudinal study of rates and risk factors in a Norwegian population.

Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Sleep and health in oil rig workers-before and after a two week work period offshore.

Flo E, Pallesen S, Åkerstedt T, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B. Shift-related sleep problems vary according to work schedule.

Saxvig IW, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Pallesen S, Vedaa Ø, Nordhus IH, Sørensen E, Bjorvatn B. Objective measures of sleep and dim light melatonin onset in adolescents and young adults with delayed sleep phase disorder compared to healthy controls.

Bjorvatn B, Waage S. Bright light improves sleep and psychological health in shift working nurses.

Fossum IN, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Pallesen S. Effects of shift and night work in the offshore petroleum industry: a systematic review.

Mrdalj J, Pallesen S, Milde AM, Jellestad FK, Murison R, Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J. Early and later life stress alter brain activity and sleep in rats.

Reknes I, Pallesen S, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B, Einarsen S. Exposure to bullying behaviors as a predictor of mental health problems among Norwegian nurses: results from the prospective SUSSH-survey.

Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Vedaa Ø, Lundervold AJ, Bjorvatn B. A randomized controlled trial with bright light and melatonin for the treatment of delayed sleep phase disorder: effects on subjective and objective sleepiness and cognitive function.

Roelen CAM, Bültmann U, Groothoff J, van Rhenen W, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Physical and mental fatigue as predictors of sickness absence among Norwegian nurses.

Hynninen MJ, Pallesen S, Hardie J, Eagan TML, Bjorvatn B, Bakke P, Nordhus IH. Insomnia symptoms, objectively measured sleep, and disease severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease outpatients.

Mrdalj J, Lundegaard MA, Murison R, Konow JF, Milde AM, Pallesen S, Ursin R, Bjorvatn B, Grønli J. Hypothermia after chronic mild stress exposure in rats with a history of postnatal maternal separations.

Storemark SS, Fossum IN, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Flo E, Pallesen S. Personality factors predict sleep-related shift work tolerance in different shifts at 2-year follow-up: a prospective study.

Fossum IN, Nordnes LT, Storemark SS, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. The association between use of electronic media in bed before going to sleep and insomnia symptoms, daytime sleepiness, morningness, and chronotype.

Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Vedaa Ø, Sørensen E, Bjorvatn B. The personality profile of young adults with delayed sleep phase disorder.

Lallukka T, Øverland S, Haaramo P, Saastamoinen P, Bjorvatn B, Sivertsen B. The joint contribution of pain and insomnia to sickness absence and disability retirement: a register-linkage study among Norwegian and Finnish employees.

Roelen C, van Rhenen W, Schaufeli W, van der Klink J, Magerøy N, Moen B, Bjorvatn B, Pallesen S. Mental and physical health-related functioning mediates between psychological job demands and sickness absence among nurses.

Andreassen CS, Pallesen S. Social network site addiction - an overview.

Augedal AW, Hansen KS, Kronhaug CR, Harvey AG, Pallesen S. Randomized controlled trials of psychological and pharmacological treatments for nightmares: a meta-analysis.

Hovland A, Pallesen S, Hammar A, Hansen AL, Thayer JF, Sivertsen B, Tarvainen MP, Nordhus IH. Subjective sleep quality in relation to inhibition and heart rate variability in patients with panic disorder.

Hysing M, Pallesen S, Stormark KM, Lundervold AJ, Sivertsen B. Sleep patterns and insomnia among adolescents: a population-based study.

Olsen OK, Pallesen S, Espevik R. The impact of partial sleep deprivation on military naval officers' ability to anticipate moral and tactical problems in a simulated maritime combat operation.

Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Wehling E, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Espeseth T, Lundervold AJ. Neuropsychological performance in older insomniacs.

Sivertsen B, Pallesen S, Stormark KM, Bøe T, Lundervold AJ, Hysing M. Delayed sleep phase syndrome in adolescents: prevalence and correlates in a large population based study.

Rokstad IS, Rokstad KS, Holmen S, Lehmann S, Assmus J.  Electronic optional guidelines as a tool to improve the process of referring patients to specialized care: an intervention study.

Danielsen YS, Nordhus IH, Júlíusson PB, Mæhle M, Pallesen S. Effect of a family-based cognitive behavioural intervention on body mass index, self-esteem and symptoms of depression in children with obesity (aged 7-13): A randomised waiting list controlled trial.

Einvik G, Flyvbjerg A, Hrubos-Strøm H, Randby, Frystyk J, Bjerre M, Namtvedt SK, Kristiansen HA, Nordhus IH, Somers ViK, Dammen T, Omland T. Novel cardiovascular risk markers in depression: no association between depressive symptoms and osteoprotegerin or adiponectin in persons at high risk for sleep apnea.

Hovland A, Nordhus IH, Sjøbø T, Gjestad BA, Birknes B, Martinsen EW, Torsheim T, Pallesen S. Comparing physical exercise in groups to group cognitive behaviour therapy for the treatment of panic disorder in a randomized controlled trial.

Preljevic VT, Østhus TBH, Os I, Sandvik L, Opjordsmoen S, Nordhus IH, Dammen T. Anxiety and depressive disorders in dialysis patients: association to health-related quality of life and mortality.

Elgen I B, Holsten F, Odberg MD. Psychiatric disorders in low birthweight young adults. Prevalence and association with assessments at 11 years.

Øyane NMF, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Akerstedt T, Bjorvatn B.  Associations between night work and anxiety, depression, insomnia, sleepiness and fatigue in a sample of Norwegian nurses.

Saxvig IW, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Pallesen S, Vedaa Ø, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B. A randomized controlled trial with bright light and melatonin for delayed sleep phase disorder: effects on subjective and objective sleep.

Di Milia L, Waage S, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Shift work disorder in a random population sample--prevalence and comorbidities.

Eldevik MF, Flo E, Moen BE, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Insomnia, excessive sleepiness, excessive fatigue, anxiety, depression and shift work disorder in nurses having less than 11 hours in-between shifts.

Pallesen S, Sivertsen B, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B.  A 10-year trend of insomnia prevalence in the adult Norwegian population.

Bjorvatn B. Søvn. Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening.

Waage S. Parasomnier - fra sex til spising i søvne. SØVN 2013; nr. 2. 24-25

Gjerstad MD. Nye retningslinjer for Narkolepsi. SØVN 2013; nr. 2. 20-21

Thun E, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Flo E, Pallesen S. Robuste og aktive sykepleiere tåler skiftarbeid. Sykepleien

Flo E, Magerøy N, Moen BE, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B. Skiftarbeid gir søvnproblemer. Sykepleien

Bjorvatn B, Flo E, Fiske E, Grønli J. Ulik forekomst av søvnlidelser mellom fylker og mellom by og land. SØVN 2013; nr.1. 22-25

Bjorvatn B. Forskningslitteratur innen søvnmedisin. SØVN 2013; nr. 1. 4

Bjorvatn B. Plan for forskning og kompetansespredning. SØVN 2013; nr. 2. 4

Warpe H, Bjorvatn B, Waage S, Hovlid E, Pallesen S. Vet lite om helsefarene ved turnusarbeid. Sykepleien 2013; 11: 54-57

Bjorvatn B. Holsten F.  Søvnvansker. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell, 2013; 206-211

Bjorvatn B. Restless legs. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell, 2013; 560-561

Bjorvatn B. Leggkramper. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok for helsepersonell, 2013; 561-562

Grønli J. Debatt: Søvnproblemer hos små barn – hvordan behandle det? SØVN 2013; nr.1. 10-13

West Saxvig I, Grønli J. Sesongvariasjoner, døgnrytmeforstyrrelser og AD/HD. SØVN 2013; nr.2. 5-7

Grønli J. Markus og Mille – en natt på søvnlaboratoriet. SØVN 2013; nr.2.10-13

Grønli J. Søvnlaboratoriet ved Lovisenberg Diakonale sykehus. Et søvnsenter for barn – og voksne. SØVN 2013; nr.2. (side 26-29)

Krohn-Hansen L, Grønli J. Bedre søvn for mindre ryggsmerter i boken En praktisk guide til Frisk Rygg – Mindre smerter, sterkere rygg og atletisk holdning. Jungelboken forlag. ISBN: 9788299885133, p 86-87

Alme A. Problembarn eller søvnvanskar? Kronikk, Bergens Tidende, 21.01.13

Stavem K, Lehmann S. Registrering av respirajonen under søvn. Norsk Lungehelse. Jubileumsbok for Norsk forening for lungemedisin ved 75-årsjubileet. ISBN: 978-82-303-2231-4

Bakke PS, Humerfelt S, Lehmann S, Omenaas ER. Obstruktivt søvnapnesyndrom og obstruktiv lungesykdom - relaterte tilstander? ISBN: 978-82-995524-1-7

Nordhus IH. Mental helse. I Hylen Ranhoff, God helse, 75-81. Kom forlag, ISBN 978-82-93191-07-0

Nordhus IH. Søvn og søvnforstyrrelser. I Hylen Ranhoff, God helse, 270-279. Kom forlag, ISBN 978-82-93191-07-0

Bjorvatn B, Fetveit A. Søvn og søvnforstyrrelser. I: Allmennmedisin. Red: Hunskår. Gyldendal Akademisk, 2013, 177-188.

Bjorvatn, B. Bedre Søvn. En håndbok til deg som sover dårlig. 2. utgave. Fagbokforlaget- ISBN: 9788245037180

Lehmann S, Bjorvatn B, Aarrestad S. Registrering av respirasjonen under søvn. Norsk lungehelse. Jubileumsbok for Norsk forening for lungemedisin ved 75-årsjubileet (red: Gulsvik og Stavem), 2013: 107-111

Gjerstad MD. Parkinson sykdom og søvn. Best Practice Nevrologi og Psykiatri


Schreuder JAH, Roelen CAM, Groothoff JW, van der Klink JJL, Magerøy N, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE. Coping styles relate to health and work environment of Norwegian and Dutch hospital nurses: a comparative study.

Steine IM, Harvey AG, Krystal JH, Milde AM, Grønli J, Bjorvatn B, Nordhus IH, Eid Ja, Pallesen S. Sleep disturbances in sexual abuse victims: a systematic review.

Friborg O, Bjorvatn B, Amponsah B, Pallesen S. Associations between seasonal variations in day length (photoperiod), sleep timing, sleep quality and mood: a comparison between Ghana (5°) and Norway (69°).

Flo E, Bjorvatn B, FS, Moen BE, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Pallesen S. A reliability and validity study of the Bergen Shift Work Sleep Questionnaire in nurses working three-shift rotations.

Bøe LHM, Aae TF, Indrevåg W, Aarseth J, Bjorvatn B, Myhr KM, Bø L. Poor sleep in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Saksvik-Lehouillier I, Bjorvatn B, Hetland H, Sandal GM, Moen BE, Magerøy N, Akerstedt T, Pallesen S. Individual, situational and lifestyle factors related to shift work tolerance among nurses who are new to and experienced in night work.

Sivertsen B, Björnsdóttir E, Øverland S, Bjorvatn B, Salo P. The joint contribution of insomnia and obstructive sleep apnoea on sickness absence.

Roelen CAM, Magerøy N, van Rhenen W, Groothoff JW, van der Klink JJL, Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Moen BE. Low job satisfaction does not identify nurses at risk of future sickness absence: results from a Norwegian cohort study.

Dørheim SK, Bjorvatn B, Eberhard-Gran M. Sick leave during pregnancy: a longitudinal study of rates and risk factors in a Norwegian population.

Andreassen CS, Griffiths MD, Hetland J, Pallesen S. Development of a work addiction scale.

Andreassen CS, Torsheim To, Brunborg GS, Pallesen S. Development of a Facebook Addiction Scale.

Augedal AW, Hansen KS, Kronhaug CR, Harvey AG, Pallesen S. Randomized controlled trials of psychological and pharmacological treatments for nightmares: a meta-analysis.

Blågestad T, Pallesen S, Lunde LH, Sivertsen B, Nordhus IH, Grønli J. Sleep in older chronic pain patients: a comparative polysomnographic study.

Hrubos-Strøm H, Einvik G, Nordhus IH, Randby A, Pallesen S, Moum T, Omland T, Dammen T. Sleep apnoea, anxiety, depression and somatoform pain: a community-based high-risk sample.

Sivertsen B, Hysing M, Wehling E, Pallesen S, Nordhus IH, Espeseth T, Lundervold AJ. Neuropsychological performance in older insomniacs.

Sivertsen B, Salo P, Mykletun A, Hysing M, Pallesen S, Krokstad S, Nordhus IH, Øverland S. The bidirectional association between depression and insomnia: the HUNT study.

Kinn RAM, Milde AM, Grønli J, Jellestad FK, Sundberg H, Murison R. Long-term effects of footshock and social defeat on anxiety-like behaviours in rats: relationships to pre-stressor plasma corticosterone concentration.

Grønli J, Dagestad G, Milde AM, Murison R, Bramham CR. Post-transcriptional effects and interactions between chronic mild stress and acute sleep deprivation: regulation of translation factor and cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein phosphorylation.

Elgen IB, Holsten F, Odberg MD. Psychiatric disorders in low birthweight young adults. Prevalence and association with assessments at 11 years.

Nome S, Holsten F. Changes in mortality after first psychiatric admission: a 20-year prospective longitudinal clinical study.

Einvik G, Flyvbjerg A, Hrubos-Strøm H, Randby A, Frystyk J, Bjerre M, Namtvedt SK, Kristiansen HA, Nordhus IH, Somers VK, Dammen T, Omland T. Novel cardiovascular risk markers in depression: no association between depressive symptoms and osteoprotegerin or adiponectin in persons at high risk for sleep apnea.

Einvik G, Vistnes M, Hrubos-Strøm H, Randby A, Namtvedt SK, Nordhus IH, Somers ViK, Dammen T, Omland T. Circulating cytokine concentrations are not associated with major depressive disorder in a community-based cohort.

Einvik G, Dammen T, Namtvedt SK, Hrubos-Strøm H, Randby A, Kristiansen HA, Nordhus IH, Somers ViK, Omland T. Type D personality is associated with increased prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias in community-residing persons without coronary heart disease.

Waage S, Pallesen S, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Sleep and health in oil rig workers--before and after a two week work period offshore.

Hrubos-Strøm H, Nordhus IH, Einvik G, Randby A, Omland T, Sundet K, Moum T, Dammen T. Obstructive sleep apnea, verbal memory, and executive function in a community-based high-risk population identified by the Berlin Questionnaire Akershus Sleep Apnea Project.

Øines E, Murison R, Mrdalj J, Grønli J, Milde AM. Neonatal maternal separation in male rats increases intestinal permeability and affects behavior after chronic social stress.

Hynninen MJ, Breitve MH, Rongve A, Aarsland D, Nordhus IH. The frequency and correlates of anxiety in patients with first-time diagnosed mild dementia.

Preljevic VT, Østhus TBH, Sandvik L, Opjordsmoen S, Nordhus IH, Os I, Dammen T. Screening for anxiety and depression in dialysis patients: comparison of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory.

Østhus TBH, Preljevic VT, Sandvik L, Leivestad T, Nordhus IH, Dammen T, Os I. Mortality and health-related quality of life in prevalent dialysis patients: Comparison between 12-items and 36-items short-form health survey.

Dørheim SK, Bjorvatn B, Eberhard-Gran M. Insomnia and depressive symptoms in late pregnancy: a population-based study.

Flo E, Pallesen S, Magerøy N, Moen B E, Grønli J, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B. Shift work disorder in nurses-assessment, prevalence and related health problems.

Saxvig IW, Pallesen S, Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Molde H, Bjorvatn B. Prevalence and correlates of delayed sleep phase in high school students.

Steine IM, Krystal JH, Nordhus IH, Bjorvatn B, Harvey AG, Eid J, Grønli J, Milde AM, Pallesen S. Insomnia, nightmare frequency, and nightmare distress in victims of sexual abuse: the role of perceived social support and abuse characteristics.

Waage S, Harris A, Pallesen S, Saksvik IB, Moen BE, Bjorvatn B. Subjective and objective sleepiness among oil rig workers during three different shift schedules.

Bjorvatn B, Dale S, Hogstad-Erikstein R, Fiske E, Pallesen S, Waage S. Self-reported sleep and health among Norwegian hospital nurses in intensive care units.

Stefansdottir S, Gjerstad MD, Tysnes OB, Larsen JP. Subjective sleep problems in patients with early Parkinson's disease.

Bjorvatn B. Nasjonalt Kompetansesenter for Søvnsykdommer som ormidlingsorgan. Søvn 2012; nr. 1. 4

Bjorvatn B. Medikamentell behandling av søvnproblemer. Søvn 2012; nr. 1. 10-13

Bjorvatn B. Nytt navn og endret mandat for Nasjonalt Kompetansesenter for Søvnsykdommer. Søvn 2012; nr. 2. 4

Bjorvatn B, Fiske E, Grønli J. Interaktiv spørreundersøkelse om søvn på nett. Søvn 2012; nr. 2. 6-9

Bjorvatn B, Løge I. Søvnløshet/insomi. Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL).

Bjorvatn B, Johannessen TA. Forsinket søvnfase-syndrom.Norsk Elektronisk Legehåndbok (NEL)

Lange-Nielsen I, Fosse HE, Pallesen S. Søvnlengde og psykisk helse hos barn: en systematisk litteraturstudie. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening

Grønli J. Hva drømmer du om? Søvn 2012; nr. 2. 20-21

Holsten F. Angst. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok: T 5.1 Revidert 2012

Holsten F. Bipolar lidelse. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok: T 5.6 Revidert 2012

Holsten F. Anxiolytika og hypnotika. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok L5.1 Revidert 2012

Holsten F. Stemningsstabiliserende midler. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok L5.1 Revidert 2012

Holsten F, Bjorvatn B. Søvnvansker. Norsk legemiddelhåndbok: T 5.2 Revidert 2012

Gjerstad MD. Parkinsons sykdom og søvn - noe vi skal være oppmerksomme på? Søvn 2012; nr. 1. 16-19

Holsten F, Bjorvatn B. Søvnforstyrrelser ved bipolare lidelser. I: Bipolare lidelser. Fagbokforlaget, 2012. ISBN:978-82-450-0585-1; 211-226

Holsten F. Psykiatri og søvn. Best Practice Norge, 2012, 11, 42-43.

Bjorvatn B, Holsten F. Søvnforstyrrelser. I: Dahl A, Aarre TF (red) Praktisk psykiatri. Fagbokforlaget

Bjorvatn B, Aurlien H, Lehmann S. Hver tredje nordmann har søvnproblemer. PKO-nytt 2012; nr 4

Bjorvatn B. Søvnsykdommer. Moderne utredning og behandling. Fagbokforlaget, ISBM:978-82-450-1150-0

Sist oppdatert 01.11.2024