We aim to understand how our lifestyle and environment influence not only our own health, but also the health and potential illnesses of our children and grandchildren. RHINESSA’s multi-generation data helps us identify ages of susceptibility, which may be important for ultimately improving health over several generations.
We investigate the children and parents of participants in the large international studies RHINE and ECRHS. These studies have investigated lung health, allergies and associated diseases in persons followed over several decades. In Bergen the study has data covering four generations.
In this time of COVID-19, it is particularly important to study lung health and to identify risk factors in the general population. Our studies can contribute on several fronts. Our data provides valuable information leading to better understanding of vulnerability to the coronavirus disease. It also fills knowledge gaps about the role of respiratory health and allergies, and their interactions with our immune system.
Here you can find links to all the RHINESSA study centres in their local languages.

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Sist oppdatert 04.05.2023